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Thread: Tell Us About Yourself

  1. #141
    Super Moderator Sharifu's Avatar
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    Well I don't think flying over the states really count.

    But at least you were actually on New York ground. You were there for a long time.
    Thank you to the talented KanuTGL for my avatar!
    My Lion King Fan-Art

  2. #142
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    First Name: Pablo

    Screen Name (s): Lion Roar
    Nicknames?: -

    Birth date: 06/06/1988
    Gender: Male

    Ethnic Background: Italian mainly, but also Spanish, Corsican, etc.
    Eye Color: Brown

    Hair Color: Brown

    Freckles: no

    Moles: yes

    Scars: yes

    Righty or Lefty?: Righty

    Religion: Atheic

    Political Party: -

    Country?: Spain (born in Argentina though)

    State/Province?: Madrid

    Marital Status?: Single

    Sexual Preference?: Straight

    Parents Divorced?: No

    Siblings? How many?: 1

    Children? How many?: -

    Best Friend (s): A few

    Pets (names and what they are): A dog (golden retriever) called Igor.

    Job?: -

    Schooling?: I'm on the last highschool year.

    Car?: No

    Play an Instrument?: I used to play the piano

    Glasses or Contacts?: Both (normally glasses)

    Jewelry?: No

    Tattoo?: No

    Makeup?: No

    Zodiac Sign: Geminis

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon


    Animal: Lion

    Color: Dark Blue

    Country: don't know

    State/Province: don't know

    Automobile: don't know

    Shoe: don't know

    Number: 7 (followed by 13 and 21)

    Food: Lasagna

    Fast Food Place and Food there: A place in my town that sells big hamburgers. And food, hamburguer with cheese, tomato, and lettuce.

    Musical Instrument: don't know

    Drink (not just alcoholic): alcoholic: whisky; not alcoholic: coke

    Season: Winter

    Actor: Tom Hanks, Jack Nicholson, Al Pacino and Sean Penn.

    Actress: Elisha Cuthbert and Nicole Kidman

    Music Genre: Rock probably

    Singer: Andr?s Calamaro

    Band: Estopa

    Movie Genre: Suspense, Horror, Thriller and Comedy.

    Movie: Cinema Paradiso, The Last Samurai, Il Postino, Stand by Me, Lost in Translation, Mystic River, etc.

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: -

    Villain in Movie: -

    Book Genre: Don't like to read

    Book: -

    Author: -

    Board Game: Monopoly and Risk.

    Game Console: Among the current ones, PS2; Among all, SNES.

    Computer/Console Game: Chrono Trigger, Terranigma, Day of the Tentacle, etc...

    Sport: Football (Soccer) and Tennis.

    Activity (Besides Sports): Watching TV and using the computer.

    Website: I don't have a favorite one.

    Subject in School: English probably. (The less boring)

    Store: -

    Gum: -

    Candy: -

    Email or IM: IM

    Phone or in person: In person, of course.

    TV or Radio or Internet: TV and Internet (can't choose one)

    Flavor: -

    Cats or Dogs: Dogs (like both though)

    Day or Night: Night (or day only if it's rainy or snowy)

    IM Service: MSN (not the best but where more people I have added)

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: No

    Alcohol: Yes

    Cigarettes/Cigars: No

    Chew: ?

    Cuss/Swear: Yes

    Lie: Yes

    Stole: Yes

    Attempted Suicide: No

    Attempted Murder: No

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Yes

    Got in a fight, did you win: No

    Been shot: No

    Want to go to college: Yes (really)

    Had an imaginary friend: No

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: No

    Had D?j? Vu: Yes

    Gone skinny dipping?: No

    Walk around nude?: Yes, i think.

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: I don't think so.

    Ever fallen in love?: Maybe.

    If so, at what age?: 13, 14, 16...

    How many times?: 3 I think.

    Ever been dumped?: No

    How many times?: -

    Ever made out?: No

    Ever had Sex?: No

    Looks or Personality?: Both equal.

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Ugly I think.

    Believe in love at first sight?: No

    Do you want to get married?: No

    Define marriage and what it means to you: responsabilty.

    Do you want/have kids?: No

    Boys name: -

    Girls name: -

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: I've fallen in love

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Nothing enough great to be written.

    Funniest thing you?ve done: Don't remember.

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: My aunt.

    Person/Place/Thing you love: I love many things.

    Country you hate besides your own: I don't hate any country.

    Country you love besides your own: Don't know.

    Best feeling in the world: Don't know.

    Worst feeling in the world: Loneliness?

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: No

    Do you believe in Abortion?: Yes

    Do you believe in Cloning?: Yes

    Do you believe in Guns?: Yes

    Do you believe in War?: Yes

    Do you believe in Hunting?: Yes

    Do you believe in Taxes?: yes

    Do you believe in Texas?: O_o

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yes

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Yes

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Don't know

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: Don't know

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: No one.

    Do you believe in Heaven?: No.

    Do you believe in Hell?: No.


    Hobbies: Cinema, Anim?, Computer...

    Collections: DVD's

    Goals: Have a normal life

    Dreams: Visit lots of countries

    Fears: -

    Weaknesses: -

    Most common emotion: angry?

    Perfect Pizza: Don't have a favorite one, love all kind of pizza.

    What?s your favorite Memory: Don't know.

    Countries you?ve been to: Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Spain, France...

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: -

    What pet would you like: -

    Any additional information: -

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Maybe.

  3. #143
    Senior Member
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    First Name: Catherine

    Screen Name (s): MehndiX
    Email: kate @ inode. at
    Nicknames?: Kate

    Birth date: April 10, 1979

    Gender: Female

    Ethnic Background: Big Mix

    Eye Color: Hazel

    Hair Color: Dark Brown

    Freckles: Yes

    Moles: Yes

    Scars: Yes

    Righty or Lefty?: Right

    Religion: None

    Political Party: --

    Country?: Austria

    State/Province?: Lower Austria

    Marital Status?: Married

    Sexual Preference?: Harry

    Parents Divorced?: No

    Siblings? How many?: 2

    Children? How many?: None

    Best Friend (s): Harry, Farah, Shana, Dani

    Pets (names and what they are): Salem (Cat), Nadine, Pitch, Patch (Rats) Heart, Cricket (Mice)

    Job?: Freelance artist

    Schooling?: B.A.

    Car?: 1996 Hyundai Accent

    Play an Instrument?: No

    Glasses or Contacts?: Both

    Jewelry?: Dragon symbol and wedding ring

    Tattoo?: No

    Makeup?: No

    Zodiac Sign: Aries

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Ram


    Animal: No real favorite

    Color: Pruple

    Country: Australia and US are tied

    State/Province: PA

    Automobile: 1996 Hyundai Accent or Peugeot 206 CC

    Shoe: Sketchers

    Number: : P

    Food: There's a lot

    Fast Food Place and Food there: No fast food please

    Musical Instrument: Cello

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Mt. Dew

    Season: Spring or Fall

    Actor: Peter Falk : p

    Actress: No clue

    Music Genre: None really

    Singer: again

    Band: and again

    Movie Genre: A few

    Movie: idea

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Not sure

    Villain in Movie: again not sure

    Book Genre: : X

    Book: Sphere

    Author: Michael Mrichton

    Board Game: --

    Game Console: So many : o

    Computer/Console Game: Star Fox or Zoo Tycoon

    Sport: Baseball

    Activity (Besides Sports): Playing video games

    Website: Livejournal

    Subject in School: Natural Sciences

    Store: Any that has nice toys

    Gum: Regular

    Candy: : p

    Email or IM: I hate both

    Phone or in person: in person

    TV or Radio or Internet: TV

    Flavor: Spicy?

    Cats or Dogs: Cats!

    Day or Night: Both

    IM Service: None

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: Yes

    Alcohol: Yes

    Cigarettes/Cigars: No

    Chew: No

    Cuss/Swear: Yes

    Lie: At times

    Stole: No

    Attempted Suicide: No

    Attempted Murder: No

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: My ankle was sprained

    Got in a fight, did you win: Yes, Yes

    Been shot: No

    Want to go to college: I did

    Had an imaginary friend: A horse

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: At times

    Had D?j? Vu: Yes

    Gone skinny dipping?: No

    Walk around nude?: --

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Yes

    Ever fallen in love?: Yes

    If so, at what age?: 21

    How many times?: 1

    Ever been dumped?: No

    How many times?: --

    Ever made out?: Yes

    Ever had Sex?: Yes

    Looks or Personality?: Both

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Somewhat attractive

    Believe in love at first sight?: Yes

    Do you want to get married?: I am

    Define marriage and what it means to you: I have no definition

    Do you want/have kids?: No

    Boys name: --

    Girls name: --
    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: That's for only me and my closest to know

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Meet the people who care most for me

    Funniest thing you?ve done: No idea

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: I can't put that publicly

    Person/Place/Thing you love: Harry, my friends and my pets

    Country you hate besides your own: Austria

    Country you love besides your own: Australia

    Best feeling in the world: Calmness

    Worst feeling in the world: lonliness

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: No

    Do you believe in Abortion?: (that's flame bait)

    Do you believe in Cloning?: No

    Do you believe in Guns?: No ( As a kid, I really thought they were made up)

    Do you believe in War?: No

    Do you believe in Hunting?: No

    Do you believe in Taxes?: No

    Do you believe in Texas?: No

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yes

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: In certain cases

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: I don't care I don't know him personally so it's not my business.

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: I don't care I don't know him personally so it's not my business.

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: pfft

    Do you believe in Heaven?: No

    Do you believe in Hell?: No


    Hobbies: Art

    Collections: Video Games

    Goals: None

    Dreams: meh

    Fears: Messing up at life

    Weaknesses: Others feelings

    Most common emotion: thoughtful

    Perfect Pizza: Diavalo

    What?s your favorite Memory: not going to write out that

    Countries you?ve been to: Australia, Mexico, Germany, Japan, malaysia, Netherlands, England, America, France, Austria

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Texas, Oklahoma, Califonia, New Hampshire, Florida, Connecticut, Massachusets, Maine, Ohio, West Virginia

    What pet would you like: I have the ones I want

    Any additional information: No not really

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: It was okay

  4. #144
    Join Date
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    Originally posted by pntbll248
    feel free to add to the questionaire.
    And I?ll be exercising that right an awful lot in this post, so consider yourself warned!

    Also: there?s a high probability that I won?t be able to do the whole survey in one go, so instead, I?ll just add to each section little by little over time. Why? Just look at ?Favourite Country? and you?ll see.

    Anywho? on with the show.

    First Name: Katherine. Never Kate, Katie, Kathryn and ESPECIALLY never Catherine? just plain Katherine. In RL at least?
    Screen Name(s): Katifa in Lion King (duh-uh) and occasionally furry fandoms; Katrazoid in assorted other places
    Email: That information is for my ears only except in an ABSOLOUTE emergency.
    Nicknames?: The Pie-Eater (rather disturbing story behind that one as you can see), Katra as an all-purpose nickname in all the above fandoms. Let?s just go with that one, shall we?
    Birth date: 30/9/1990.
    Gender: Female (last time I checked)
    Ethnic Background: Boring, boring Caucasian
    Eye Color: Chestnut brown and bloodshot
    Hair Color: Identical to the eyes, for the most part (save the bloodshot part)
    Freckles: Microscopic
    Moles: Pretty thinly spread out, but enough to play Connect the Dots with
    Scars: None on my body, thousands in my soul *emoemoangstangst*
    Righty or Lefty?: Righty
    Religion: The First Church of Pumbaa (sorry Shatty-san, I just had to use that :P)
    Political Party: Monster Raving Loony
    Country?: Merrie old England!
    State/Province?: Don?t you mean county? Then Somerset, by way of Gloucestershire
    Marital Status?: Am, always have been and always will be SINGLE and would rather poke katana in my eyes than change that even the slightest bit. I really cannot stress that enough.
    Sexual Preference?: Strictly a toonophile. ?Flesh-and-blood? people (aside from my loving family and ?Net friends, of course) suck.
    Parents Divorced?: Thank AIHEU no!
    Siblings? How many?: Just one younger (though more mature) brother
    Children? How many?: Adopted ?mother? to Toni the Rio Carbon MP3 Player. Otherwise zilch, and let?s keep it that way
    Best Friend(s): Friends? What?s that?
    Pets (names and what they are): Nada the pet Hollow Lump of Air (hopefully getting a Nintendog soon *excited*)
    Job?: Will draw insane crossovers for food
    Schooling?: Year Ten (Tenth Grade to the yanks) at the original Boarding School From Hell
    Car?: Hopefully? in two years *crosses fingers*
    Play an Instrument?: The keyboard. I?m making beeyooteeful music on one right now? oh, you mean like a piano?
    Glasses or Contacts?: I?m actually the only one in my immediate family that has NEVER had to wear either under any circumstances.
    Jewelry?: I have loads that I usually either forget about, or get tangled up in and give up
    Tattoo?: Well, a sow can dream, can?t she? Assuming any of my fangirly obsessions last another three or four years, I?d love to have one little tattoo on my arm to represent each of them: cloven hoofprint for Pumbaa, indigo ?floating? antenna for Swanky (Pet Alien), purple turtle shell for Donatello (TMNT), turquoise ringed planet for Cubert (Futurama), blue striped pawprint for Gabumon (Digimon), purple animal-print pawprint for the Cat (RD), green star for Cosmo (FOP) and blue ink splotch for? well, Bloo.
    Makeup?: No - is an archetypal natural beauty
    Zodiac Sign: Libra, the ?scales? *ducks and covers from the weight jokes pouring in*
    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Year of the Horse *munches oats*

    Animal: Warthog! You knew SOMEONE was going to say something besides lion, didn?t ya? *crickets chirp* Oh. Well, the ?hog are closely followed by: rat, dog, jaguar, and rabbit.
    Colour: Pluurble
    Country: My own , or alternatively Switzerland, and hopes to ad Brazil to the list once I go there in four weeks No, really!!!
    State/Province: Um?
    Automobile: My parents? silver Saab, or the Foster?s Home for Imaginary Friends bus
    Shoe: Slippers
    Number: Aw, how can I pick with a literally infinite amount of them to choose from?
    Food: Anything with sugar! Chocolate spread on toast, mostly.
    Fast Food Place and Food there: Do Starbucks and their strawberry and cream Frappuccinos count as fast food?
    Musical Instrument: Uh?
    Drink (not just alcoholic): I like chocolate milk? and cherry and vanilla (can?t choose! *moraldiellma*) Coca-Cola. She who controls the coke? controls the UNIVERSE.
    Season: There?re all awesome in their own way. I?ll have to opt for summer just this once though, for fairly obvious reasons *wink*
    Actor: Danny John-Jules, Jess Hartnell, Steve Martin
    Actress: Grey DeLisle
    Music Genre: Satirical rock (and some other subgenres of rock for good measure), R?n?B (?soft rap?), New Age (y?know, chilled and comforting crap) and 1980?s pop and rock. Just to clarify, however: let it be known that I despise ?hardcore? rap and the New Romantics with a passion *cringe*
    Singer: Avril Lavigne, Michael Jackson, Nik Kershaw, Hilary Duff, Sheryl Crow (I swear I?m going to Taste Hell for all this)
    Band: McFly, Smash Mouth, Puffy AmiYumi, Half Man Half Biscuit, Scab (if you?ve ever even heard of the last two, I owe you a cookie)
    Movie Genre: Sickeningly-cute-baby-animal-struggles-to-deal-with-death-of-parent? does that count as a genre?
    Movie: The Lion King!!! Pretty much the generic response around here, yes, but in my case, it is also the cold truth. It?s a movie whose impact upon my personal life simply cannot be understated ? it has literally changed my life more than once. Outside of the obvious, I adore The Land Before Time, Chicken Run, Mean Girls, and 50 First Dates.
    Hero in Movie: Heroes smell. Really bad. Sidekicks SO pwn them? so I could just jump right in and say Pumbaa, but anyone who knows me reasonably well would?ve sensed that coming before my fingers were anywhere near the keyboard. :P
    Heroine in Movie: Ducky (the Land Before Time)
    Villain in Movie: Teh Scarmeister!
    TV Show: Live action? It could ONLY be Red Dwarf
    Cartoon: Literally too many for my own good, but at the moment the top of the list (and it?s a long list, yes siree) is occupied by: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003), Codename: Kids Next Door, Foster?s Home for Imaginary Friends, Fairly Odd Parents, Xiaolin Showdown, The Life and Times of Juniper Lee, and Danny Phantom (phew!)
    TV Characters: *points to ?Tattoo? question above* Count yourself lucky I didn?t bother listing ALL of them or I?d need a whole thread!
    Anime: Digimon: Digital Monsters seasons one through three. It?s corny, it?s juvenile, it?s stiffly acted, it?s less-than-superbly animated and older than Carl Reiner? but above all, I?ve LOVEDED it to pieces since I was a little kid, and for me it certainly has ?warm and fuzzy nostalgia? written all over it.
    Anime Character: Gabumon was my first major obsession, still (sorta) going strong
    Book: The wonderful Watership Down by Richard Adams! *waves to Ralli,* Lord of the Flies by William Golding *sniff*, Philip Pullman?s His Dark Materials trilogy, The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 and ? (title?s a real mouthful, but the book?s worth it) by Sue Townsend, and anything by Jaqueline Wilson in her ?tween? era (yup, I?m sad)
    Author: see above. I really like child-dragon, tdyans, wildandloose, RyuuKoroko
    and ?Jenny-Jen? Shippen (more stuff from her [url=]here[url]) fanfiction wise, though ? most of them are Neopets fan writers and I may have kicked that habit (the dazzling creativity it has inspired in its players is more or less the only thing I still like about that cesspool of commercialism), but whatever your fandom, all of them have churned out at least one must-read in their time.
    Board Game: Scrabble
    Game Console: Nothing beats a good long late-night under-the-bed-covers gaming session on a pearlescent pink Game Boy Advance SP! And possibly a Nintendo DS to come at Christmas? I sure hope so *fingers crossed*
    Computer/Console Game: At the moment? Pokemon Leaf Green, and I?ve also become a LITTLE overexcited about Nintendogs right now? *spaz*
    Sport: The power of the almighty trampoline shall rule ye all someday, mortals!
    Activity (Besides Sports): Being on the Internet duh! Or drawing, if the ?Netu-sama isn?t accessible.
    Subject in School: ANYTHING BUT PE!
    Store: If I had to pick just one? WHSmith?s

    To Be Continiued...

    And I?m dead serious about that last bit in ?Favourite Country,? people, so don?t expect to see too much of me round here between December 16th and 28th. Fortunately, however, the Brazillian Portugese phrasebook I have has a whole page on Internet caf? lingo, so I?ll see what I can do :- ) Bom Natal, dudes and dudettes.

  5. #145
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    First Name: Johanna

    Screen Name (s): Xanahti

    Birth date: 11th may
    Gender: female

    Ethnic Background: Swede
    Eye Color: deep blue

    Hair Color: Brown

    Freckles: no

    Moles: no

    Scars: no

    Righty or Lefty?: Lefty

    Religion: Christian

    Country?: Sweden

    State/Province?: You wouldn't know even if I told ya.:P

    Marital Status?: Sad Single

    Sexual Preference?: Heterosexual.

    Parents Divorced?: Nope

    Siblings? How many?: 1

    Children? How many?: 0

    Pets (names and what they are): Sara the cat

    Job?: None

    Schooling?: Social sience, first year in highschool

    Car?: Nope

    Play an Instrument?: Ha, well, I own an keyboard.

    Glasses or Contacts?: nope

    Jewelry?: always earrings and a necklace

    Tattoo?: no, I want one though

    Makeup?: yes sir. Mascara, eyeliner and eye shadow

    Zodiac Sign: Taurus

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Snake


    Animal: Cats

    Color: Green

    Country: Scottland, Haven't been there though

    Automobile: Subaru Impreza.*dreamy eyes*


    Number: 11

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Mulan. Chinese food.:P

    Musical Instrument: piano

    Season: late spring

    Actor: so many

    Actress: Liv Tyler

    Music Genre: rock

    Singer: freddie Mercury

    Band: Queen

    Movie Genre: comedy

    Movie: Naked Gun

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Buffy Summers ('cept that's a serie of course)

    Villain in Movie: Adrian from Little Nicky(played by Rhys Ifans)

    Book Genre: romantic/humorous

    Book: "A boy called it" and "about a boy"

    Author: J.K Rowling

    Game Console: Xbox perhaps

    Computer/Console Game: The sims 2

    Sport: Basketball or kickboxing

    Website: deviantart and TLKfaa

    Subject in School: PE(isn't that gym class?) and English

    Store: Vero Moda

    Candy: Anything chocolate

    Email or IM: IM

    Phone or in person: in person.

    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet

    Flavor: on what?

    Cats or Dogs: Cats

    Day or Night: Day.

    IM Service: Hotmail
    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: No and never will.

    Alcohol: Yes(mmm, anything whiskey)

    Cigarettes/Cigars: No

    Chew: No


    Lie: Yeah

    Stole: Once acctually, but not on purpose. I was buying earsers in a toy store when I thought I dropped one on the floor. When I got out of the store I found it in the pocket on my jacket. The earser didn't really cost more then 3 kronor(about 3-4 cent) but I felt really bad for that one.

    Attempted Suicide: No

    Attempted Murder: No

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: No

    Got in a fight, did you win: Can't remember

    Been shot: No

    Want to go to college: Yes, I guess

    Had an imaginary friend: Yes

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: No

    Had D?j? Vu: Many times

    Gone skinny dipping?: Donn't know what it means

    Walk around nude?: No.O_o

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Yes

    Ever fallen in love?: Yes

    If so, at what age?: 16

    How many times?: once

    Ever been dumped?: No

    How many times?: zero

    Ever made out?: No, I'm still waiting.

    Ever had Sex?: Nope

    Looks or Personality?: A person with a great personality that is charming can be the worlds sexiest man to me even if he doesn't look like Johnny Depp.

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Depends on who you compare me with.

    Believe in love at first sight?: No, but I can't tell people that say they fell in love at first sight that they're wrong.

    Do you want to get married?: Yes

    Do you want/have kids?: Maybe in the future.

    Boys name: Gabriel

    Girls name: Buffy XD

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: I can't remember.

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Uhm

    Funniest thing you?ve done: Every moment with my friends is awesome

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: You don't know them.

    Person/Place/Thing you love: my family and friends. And just to be around a certain person.

    Country you love besides your own: Scotland

    Best feeling in the world: Love

    Worst feeling in the world: being afraid

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Yes

    Do you believe in Abortion?: Depends on the case. If it's a rape, then yes. If you're against that a raped woman wants to abort a child that got forced upon her by some sadistic, low-life creep then you're just as disgusting as the rapist.

    Do you believe in Cloning?: No, it's sick and unneccesary.

    Do you believe in Hunting?: Yes.

    Do you believe in Taxes?: Yes.

    Do you believe in Texas?: Yes.

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yes.

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Depends. If it's just because you wanna have boobs bigger then your own head then it's wrong. If you've been in an accident and get's an deformed face then yes.

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: I don't know enough about the case to make a judgement.

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: Hope not.

    Do you believe in Heaven?: Yes.

    Do you believe in Hell?: Yes.


    Hobbies: Drawing, writing

    Collections: Queen vinyl Lps and a pathetic, small collection of dragons.

    Goals: To find my special someone before the age of 20. And to write a book.

    Dreams: Becoming a film director.

    Fears: That my closest ones will die.

    Weaknesses: I'm extremly sensitive.

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: No, my crush is.:P

    Most common emotion: Sadness

    Perfect Pizza: vesuvio

    What?s your favorite Memory: When I tried paintball with my old class.

    Countries you?ve been to: Norway

    What pet would you like: Another cat.

    Any additional information: I'm becoming stronger with every day.

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires?: Very much indeed.

  6. #146
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    First Name: Chelsea

    Screen Name (s): SpiritWolf77
    Nicknames?: In RL - Chels, CB
    On the net - Spirit, SW77, SpiritFloof

    Birth date: 5.29.86
    Gender: Female

    Ethnic Background: Norwegian, Swedish, Irish, Scottish in descent. But I was born and raised in California, USA.

    Eye Color: Blue-green

    Hair Color: Blonde

    Freckles: Yup, especially when I go out in the sun

    Moles: A few

    Scars: A few

    Righty or Lefty?: Righty

    Religion: Non-specific athiest with an interest in buddhism

    Political Party: I'm registered Independant because I don't like siding with one party, though my beliefs tend to be more liberal than conservative

    Country?: USA

    State/Province?: California

    Marital Status?: in a serious relationship (engaged to be engaged basically)

    Sexual Preference?: straight

    Parents Divorced?: nope

    Siblings? How many?: 1 younger brother

    Children? How many?: none

    Best Friend (s): they know who they are

    Pets (names and what they are): 1 pomeranian named Sambu, 2 dachshunds named Koby and Sylke, 1 dwarf hamster named Pippin, 1 betta fish named Obi-Wan, and a bunch of inbred swordtails that won't stop multiplying

    Job?: Freelance illustrator...I do commissions now and then (usually not while school's in session though), I'm working on a children's book, slated for publication next year. Also work as an english tutor at my college.

    Schooling?: I'm in my second year at Laguna College of Art and Design

    Car?: old grey Jeep's a miracle it still runs, but I love it anyway

    Play an Instrument?: I can play a few seconds of the Star Wars theme on the piano...that's it. Can't read music.

    Glasses or Contacts?: One or the other, depending on my mood.

    Jewelry?: Timex Expedition watch, silver scottish thistle necklace, two piercings in my left ear lobe, one in my right

    Tattoo?: nope

    Makeup?: I wear eyeliner and/or lipgloss on a rare occasion. Also sometimes wear nailpolish...but that's about it.

    Zodiac Sign: Gemini

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Tiger


    Animal: Wolf


    Country: Scotland

    State/Province: Minnesota

    Automobile: I'd love a Jeep hybrid, but they don't exist yet.

    Shoe: Mens Sketchers, tactical boots, and my black-and-white Mossimo brand sneakers I got from Target

    Number: 7

    Food: potatoes, mushu (a chinese dish...sort of like a burrito, with egg, vegetables, and plum sauce, wrapped in a flour "tortilla")

    Fast Food Place and Food there: In N Out - Grilled cheese with spread, pickles, and onions and fries with a side of spread. Als Subway - 6-inch sub on hearty italian bread, toasted, with monteray cheddar cheese, spinach, onions, pickles, olives, avocado, olive oil, salt, and pepper.

    Musical Instrument: bagpipes

    Drink (not just alcoholic): water, black tea (especially chai, thai, and irish breakfast), and 1% Ralphs brand milk.

    Season: spring and winter

    Actor: James McAvoy, Billy Boyd, and Ewan McGregor

    Actress: Milla Jovovich, Kiera Knightly, and Katee Sackhoff

    Music Genre: rock (especially classic rock), celtic, middle-eastern, soundtracks, alternative...I like almost everything except rap, hip-hop, country, and most modern pop

    Singer: Sting

    Band: Simple Minds & Coldplay

    Composer: Hans Zimmer

    Movie Genre: Science fiction

    Movie: Star Wars

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Luke Skywalker, Leto II (from the Children of Dune miniseries), Obi-Wan Kenobi

    Villain in Movie: Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Scar (TLK).

    Favorite TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (new version), Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Lost, Late Night with Conan O'Brien

    Book Genre: science fiction

    Book: Children of Dune (and the entire Dune series) by Frank Herbert

    Author: Frank Herbert

    Board Game: Trivial Pursuit

    Game Console: Game Cube & N64

    Computer/Console Game: Creatures 3, Zelda Ocarina of Time, Starfox Adventures, Super Smash Bros, and anything Sonic

    Sport: karate, soccer, ping pong

    Activity (Besides Sports): art, writing, reading, playing video games, watching science fiction

    Website: I spend most of my time at,, and

    Subject in School: In highschool it was art, english (especially scifi lit), and life sciences (especially oceanography). In college my favorite subjects so far have been my english classes, my figure drawing classes, and my fundamentals of illustration class

    Store: Target, Barnes & Noble, the British Giftshop by my house

    Gum: Extra, Original Flavour, which sadly no longer exists

    Candy: Hersheys Toffee and Almonds Symphony bar, sour apple gushers

    Email or IM: depends on my mood...if I'm busy with stuff I prefer email because I can reply to it whenever.

    Phone or in person: in person, i hate phones

    TV or Radio or Internet: internet, i only watch TV for my weekly shows, and i never listen to the radio

    Flavor: I like salty things and sour things

    Cats or Dogs: dogs

    Day or Night: night

    IM Service: AIM with the DeadAIM addon

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: nope

    Alcohol: tried it, don't really like it

    Cigarettes/Cigars: nope

    Chew: chew on what? i chew on my cheeks a lot

    Cuss/Swear: not really

    Lie: nope, i despise dishonesty

    Stole: nope

    Attempted Suicide: nope

    Attempted Murder: nope (i sincerely hope no one here answered yes to this)

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: broke my arm twice, fractured and sprained who knows how many things

    Got in a fight, did you win: not really...aside from karate and childhood sibling rivarly

    Been shot: nope

    Want to go to college: in college

    Had an imaginary friend: not really...

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: frequently

    Had D?j? Vu: yup

    Gone skinny dipping?: nope

    Walk around nude?: nope

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: yes

    Ever fallen in love?: yes

    If so, at what age?: I was 17 at the time

    How many times?: once

    Ever been dumped?: yes

    How many times?: once

    Ever made out?: yes

    Ever had Sex?: that's really not anyone else's business

    Looks or Personality?: personality

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: i don't care much about my appearence...i think i'm average

    Believe in love at first sight?: nope

    Do you want to get married?: yes

    Define marriage and what it means to you: spending the rest of your life with someone you feel complete with

    Do you want/have kids?: eventually

    Boys name: William, Alec, Patrick, Paul, Luke

    Girls name: I have no idea...

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Don't remember

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Not sure

    Funniest thing you?ve done: Not sure

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Spongebob Squarepants

    Person/Place/Thing you love: My family, my friends, my boyfriend, my dog, Scotland, my fandoms

    Country you hate besides your own: I don't want to generalize...I will say I'll probably never visit Mexico though...

    Country you love besides your own: Scotland

    Best feeling in the world: Love

    Worst feeling in the world: Fear

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: no

    Do you believe in Abortion?: i believe in the right to choose

    Do you believe in Cloning?: Don't have a set opinion on it...I see the practical implications...but I also see a lot of problems that could arise

    Do you believe in Guns?: I hate guns myself...

    Do you believe in War?: I hate war as well

    Do you believe in Hunting?: I could never do it myself, but I condone hunting for food and survival...honestly, I think it's more humane to eat an animal you killed after it lived a full life in the wild than to eat an animal that was force-fed and genetically altered and lived in cramped terrible conditions until it was finally slaughtered in an inhumane manner and sold to a market

    Do you believe in Taxes?: I believe in them when they're used properly...

    Do you believe in Texas?: Yeah, pretty sure it exists...

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Of course

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: For health reasons...I think it's stupid to do it for asthetic reasons

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Don't know, don't care

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: I'd like to think not

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: How about None of the above? Sadly, the types of people that'd make good presidents would never run...

    Do you believe in Heaven?: not sure

    Do you believe in Hell?: nope


    Hobbies: art, reading, writing...didn't I already answer this?

    Collections: I collect a lot of fandom stuff

    Goals: to become a successful writer/illustrator, live by the coast, and someday visit Scotland

    Dreams: Sort of the same as my goals...

    Fears: Spiders, crowds, people I don't know, the dark, small spaces, ketchup, goats, the undead

    Weaknesses: scottish accents

    Most common emotion: cheerfulness

    Perfect Pizza: Pizza Hut's tastey crust and cheese, light on the sauce, no grease, and sliced green olives

    What?s your favorite Memory: The day I got my dog

    Countries you?ve been to: Just this one sadly...

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: I can't remember them all...

    What pet would you like: I have the pet I'd like

    Any additional information: Umm...

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Yup

  7. #147
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Thought I'd redo it... some info has changed anyway so yes... I was bored also

    First Name: Rebecca
    Screen Name (s): Azerane
    Nicknames?: Az, Azzy, Azer, Razzle, Razzle Dazzle, Bec, Becca, Becster, Zanks, Zanker
    Birth date: 14/8/87
    Gender: Female
    Ethnic Background: German
    Eye Color: Blue
    Hair Color: Brown with occasional blonde and red tinges
    Freckles: Few
    Moles: One or two
    Scars: A few on my arms
    Righty or Lefty?: Right
    Religion: Lutheran
    Political Party: -
    Country: Australia
    State/Province: South Australia
    Marital Status: Taken
    Sexual Preference: Those of the male species.
    Parents Divorced: Yes
    Siblings? How many: 2
    Children? How many: None
    Best Friend (s): won't name them
    Pets (names and what they are): Cats- Kitty (13) and Sparx (8), Rabbit- Hazel-rah (1-ish) and some fish (3 years)
    Job?: Cinema person
    Schooling?: Year 12
    Car?: None
    Play an Instrument?: Piano and I sing from time to time
    Glasses or Contacts?: No
    Jewelry?: No
    Tattoo?: No
    Makeup?: No
    Zodiac Sign: Leo
    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rabbit
    Animal: Cats, big and domestic
    Colour: Blue and green
    Country: Aussie land
    State/Province: South Aus
    Automobile: Yellow lambourgini or porsche or some similar thing
    Shoe: *shrugs*
    Number: hmm... 18?
    Food: All of it!
    Fast Food Place and Food there: The local fish and chip shop, they have THE best hot chips!
    Musical Instrument: Piano I guess
    Drink (not just alcoholic): Farmers Union Iced Coffee
    Season: All of them for different reasons
    Actor: Jim Carrey, Ewan McGregor
    Actress: dunno
    Music Genre: Lots of them
    Singer: Missy Higgins I guess
    Band: Too many... Black Eyed Peas, Greenday, The Used, Red hot Chilli Peppers, Missy Higgins (a one person band, hehe)
    Movie Genre: Comedy, action... all sorts really
    Movie: The Lion King
    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Not sure
    Villain in Movie: Scar... I dunno
    Book Genre: Fantasy
    Book: Watership Down
    Author: Richard Adams
    Board Game: Holiday
    Game Console: Never had any so I don't really know
    Computer/Console Game: Ermm.. Unreal Tourny?
    Sport: Cricket, Tennis, Hockey, Table Tennis... lots of them
    Activity (Besides Sports): Bike riding
    Website: Lea, TLKFAA
    Subject in School: Art
    Store: JB-HI-FI and Borders
    Gum: PK
    Candy: All of it!
    Email or IM: IM is so much easier
    Phone or in person: Person
    TV or Radio or Internet: Radio and Net
    Flavour: Chocolate stuff
    Cats or Dogs: Cats
    Day or Night: Both for different reasons
    IM Service: Only ever used MSN Messenger
    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-
    Drugs: No
    Alcohol: Yes
    Cigarettes/Cigars: No
    Chew: No
    Cuss/Swear: Occasionaly
    Lie: Yeah, don't we all
    Stole: Not that I can think of, maybe little insignificant things like a few dollars from my brother, that's about the worst of it
    Attempted Suicide: Not really
    Attempted Murder: No
    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Yeah
    Got in a fight, did you win: No
    Been shot: No
    Want to go to college: Yeah
    Had an imaginary friend: No
    Wanted to be the opposite sex: No
    Had D?j? Vu: Yeah
    Gone skinny dipping?: No
    Walk around nude?: Only when I'm about to get into the shower
    -Love Life-
    Is Love real?: Yes
    Ever fallen in love?: Yeah (Love you Pat )
    If so, at what age?: 17
    How many times?: Just the once
    Ever been dumped?: No
    How many times?: -
    Ever made out?: No
    Ever had Sex?: No
    Looks or Personality?: Personality
    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: I don't consider myself ugly, I don't mind the way I look though I wouldn't say I was attractive either
    Believe in love at first sight?: Unsure
    Do you want to get married?: Yeah
    Define marriage and what it means to you: I guess you're just letting the person you love know that you will never leave them, and will always love them, that kinda thing
    Do you want/have kids?: Yeah
    Boys name: ?
    Girls name: Maylin
    -The most-
    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Not sure
    Greatest thing you?ve done: Hmm... passed year 12?
    Funniest thing you?ve done: Dunno
    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Person-can't think of anyone, Place-I know there are some places that bring back certain memories because of smells and stuff, I don't like those places, and Thing-I HATE rice
    Person/Place/Thing you love: person-Pat, Place-my home city and just being outdoors, Thing-my cat how I miss him
    Country you hate besides your own: Dunno
    Country you love besides your own: Kenya, Tanzania
    Best feeling in the world: Being in love
    Worst feeling in the world: Being in love
    -Politics & Religion-
    Do you believe in God?: Yep
    Do you believe in Abortion?: Depends on the circumstances
    Do you believe in Cloning?: No, not really
    Do you believe in Guns?: I guess so
    Do you believe in War?: It's kinda vital even if it is horrible
    Do you believe in Hunting?: Yeah I guess
    Do you believe in Taxes?: hehe, dam those taxes!
    Do you believe in Texas?: Well it exists doesn't it!
    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: I guess so
    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: No, not really
    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: No idea
    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: No idea
    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: No idea
    Do you believe in Heaven?: Yeah
    Do you believe in Hell?: Yeah
    Hobbies: Drawing, bike riding, my tlk collection, writing
    Collections: tlk, and stamps, hehe
    Goals: I guess to complete Uni so I can work in the field I want
    Dreams: To travel to africa, to animate a character in a movie, to lend a voice to an animated character, to meet the person I love
    Fears: Being alone, spiders (sometimes)
    Weaknesses: Unsure
    Most common emotion: tricky one this one... not sure
    Perfect Pizza: Hmm... tomato and meat and cheese and lots of yum stuff
    What?s your favorite Memory: Memories of my cat
    Countries you?ve been to: Australia, Singapore, Germany, Austria
    States/Provinces you?ve been to: SA, Vic, NSW, QLD
    What pet would you like: Doggy
    Any additional information: Not that I can think of
    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Yeah, guess they're kinda fun
    That which you manifest is before you.

  8. #148
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    Re: Tell Us About Yourself

    well, I know I filled this out once... yet so much has changed and so, I thought I might as well redo it... becides, I need something to do


    First Name: James
    middle name: Robet (bob)
    Last: Brooks
    Screen Name (s): A-non-a-mus (a name which as of late really bothers me for how many times it's been used... 99.9% of them arn't me... just this forum, simbaspaws and one other...
    Email: (I really miss hearing from anyone...)
    Nicknames?: Jimmy, Jimbo, Jim bob, Jim, Jimjam, Jimmyjames (jamesjimmy), J.R., A-non, Jei-mu-zu

    Birth date: Febuary 21
    Gender: Male

    Ethnic Background: Irish (and a bit of 'black foot' native amarican tribe of north dakota)
    Eye Color: hazel (shifts color a bit)

    Hair Color: dark brown/ copper/ light (yes, I have patches of all three natural... [I don't use hair colors])

    Freckles: no... keloids... on my chest very big in the shape of a two... [odd, because I am the second born and such]

    Moles: not really...

    Scars: a few...

    Righty or Lefty?: both

    Religion: Christian

    Political Party: neutral...

    Country?: USA

    State/Province?: California

    Marital Status?: single...

    Sexual Preference?: straight

    Parents Divorced?: no...

    Siblings? How many?: yes, 2 brothers, one sister

    Children? How many?: no - none

    Best Friend (s): I try to be friends with anyone... though tas for the best it'd be Eva janus, although, I'm not too sure about that anymore, I would like to be friends still... I'm a lousy friend, though I try to be a good one... I'm sorry...

    Pets (names and what they are): none...

    Job?: my job will change once I move to LA after the holiday season is over so 'temporary' is most likely the title right now.

    Schooling?: graduated five years ago.. (when I was 15)

    Car?: none now.. (gave mine to my parents so they could trade it in to afford a new (used) one...

    Play an Instrument?: ocarina, electric guitar, drums... a few others...

    Glasses or Contacts?: none ...

    Jewelry?: two necklaces... one is a crystal sword, the other is a silver pendant

    Tattoo?: none

    Makeup?: no

    Zodiac Sign: Cancer... I think...

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: dunno...

    odd facts: 1) I never had a 'first word' because at the age of 6 months I began speaking in sentances much to the doctor's and my mom's suprise (went instantly from 'googoo' to full length sentances...)
    2) I am thought to be the 'evil' one of the family yet my dream was always to be a great brother

    Animal: giant cats (lion mostly)

    Color: none

    Country: I shall wait until I visit them first

    State/Province: don't have one

    Automobile: any that work

    Shoe: aany that work

    Number: don't have any

    Food: depends on my mood and even then they change fast

    Fast Food Place and Food there: ehm... see above

    Musical Instrument: ocarina, flute, bag pipe, guitar, drum...

    Drink (not just alcoholic): coke/pepsi (I accually drink more than I eat [I eat once a week sometimes])

    Season: fall/winter.. I can't take it living in a place that is only summer/spring all year round does this to you (esp if you happen to have a sweating disorder [meaning you can't sweat])

    Actor: none... well .. I guess my brother

    Actress: none

    Music Genre: any (choir music mostly)

    Singer: dunno...

    Band: dunno..

    Movie Genre: animated (drawn only.. the CGI are so repetitive it's annoying...)

    Movie: TLK

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Simba/Nala

    Villain in Movie: scar (I can sure relate to the way he seemed...)

    Book Genre: fiction/fantasy

    Book: lord of the rings/hamlet

    Author: any whom don't steal from other ones

    Board Game: any just about...

    Game Console: all that I own (which is most)

    Computer/Console Game: ehm... none... I leve gameplay to consoles

    Sport: none... target shooting I guess..

    Activity (Besides Sports): ehm.. changes often..

    Website: this, SP, and ulaya

    Subject in School: I don't approve of school... they repeat themselves too much..

    Store: stores are only fun if you happen to have friends...

    Gum: depends

    Candy: don't really care much for candy...

    Email or IM: IM ... although I kind of stopped... I guess in that sence it's now e-mail, although I don't get any of those either...

    Phone or in person: in person...

    TV or Radio or Internet: internet.. don't watch TV nor listen to radio

    Flavor: ehm... see 'food'... or coke/pepsi...

    Cats or Dogs: cats ... dogs are too dependant

    Day or Night: both...

    IM Service: any that work

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: no... well insulin is a drug and that's required for me

    Alcohol: no

    Cigarettes/Cigars: no

    Chew: no

    Cuss/Swear: no

    Lie: to say 'no' would be a lie for anyone

    Stole: yes.. not from stores or anything illigal... but metephorically speaking

    Attempted Suicide: I havn't otherwise I would not be here, because I would suceed on that... fortunatly for me, I don't belive suicide, although inviting at times, is not the right choice

    Attempted Murder: no...

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: nope

    Got in a fight, did you win: yes and yes..

    Been shot: no... shot at though...

    Want to go to college: yes

    Had an imaginary friend: no

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: no

    Had D?j? Vu: yes

    Gone skinny dipping?: no

    Walk around nude?: no

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: yes

    Ever fallen in love?: yes, once I think

    If so, at what age?: 19

    How many times?: once

    Ever been dumped?: nope

    How many times?: none, because I never allowed myself to grow close to anyone... and have thus never been in a relationship with anyone

    Ever made out?: no

    Ever had Sex?:no

    Looks or Personality?: personality definatly

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: ugly

    Believe in love at first sight?: the feeling of seeing someone so beautiful (on the in and outside) and just feeling 'this must be the one' yet it is not love until you know them... I belive love is a triangle one side friendship, the next; intamacy, the last; passion.. friendship is the first step to true love, as is taught in the bible.

    Do you want to get married?: I'm mixed on this... I really really do wish and dream to, yet I am nothing more than a desiesed person whom will probably not live as long as a normal... and if I die early, I really do NOT want to put someone I love through that. (and yes, my A1C is twice that of a normal person once again [norm: 6 me: 12.7])

    Define marriage and what it means to you: marrage is the union of a man and woman. To become as one forever. What it means to me: to be there for the other, to work hard just to see a smile on ther other's face, to put yourself in harms way for the betterment of the other, to keep the other happy for as much as you can help, to just be able to hold them in your arms, or sit next to them. For your continued dedication and never failing loyalty... Marrage means a lot to me...

    Do you want/have kids?: I would yes, yet doupt I ever would... [see 'do you want to get married']

    Boys name: dunno

    Girls name: dunno

  9. #149
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    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: I'm not sure for sure what it is, but it is whatever it was I've done to deserve to be given such heartache and to have failed in every attempt at being a good brother or friend

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Put a smile on another's face even if only for a short while. (what can I say, it gives me great joy seeing others happy)

    Funniest thing you?ve done: dunno, I've done many funny things... I guess it was when I gave a full $10 in nothing but quarters and dimes as change during one of my jobs. should have seen the look on their face ... they couldn't stop laughing at the fact that a big corp had suddenly ran out of bills..

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: rasism/sexism/discrimination

    Person/Place/Thing you love : seeing others happy

    Country you hate besides your own: none... they all have their good and bad

    Country you love besides your own: any

    Best feeling in the world: being close to the one you love most. and the joy that comes from knowing that you made a difference (like knowing what you did made another happy... [ex like the look on my sister's face when I sent her a CD set for absolutly no reason at all] {she still hates me though})

    Worst feeling in the world: depression... of left out.. (the feeling of everyone's back turned towards you [a feeling I'm familiar with])

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: yes

    Do you believe in Abortion?: no

    Do you believe in Cloning?: no

    Do you believe in Guns?: I belive in defence, not offence

    Do you believe in War?: only in substances to help (like to help the jews escape from hitler during world war 2)

    Do you believe in Hunting?: only for food or survival, not for sport

    Do you believe in Taxes?: yes, but not taxes in which you have to be getting a high wage just to afford

    Do you believe in Texas?: I used to think there was a Texas... now I'm not so sure...

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: no, think of what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah..

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: only if to save a life

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: I think so as no one is even working on that case anymore..

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: I don't think so but am unsure... he was nothing but a very kind (although shy) guy all his life... plus the one whom made the aqusation just wanted free money

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: bush

    Do you believe in Heaven?: yes

    Do you believe in Hell?: yes


    Hobbies: changes from time to time

    Collections: coins, videogames

    Goals: to make enough money so my family does not have to suffer as they are now

    Dreams: To find true love..

    Fears: to remain a failure, and remain on the outside looking in forever

    Weaknesses: I'm too stupid... (even though my IQ is very high)

    Most common emotion: on the outside: happy on the inside: deep depression/sadness

    Perfect Pizza: well, pizza does look yummy... ... changes, but I never say no to anchovies

    What?s your favorite Memory: well, I met my friend in person. and the times I used to spend talking with all my friends...

    Countries you?ve been to: USA

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: North Carolina, California, Oregon, Florida... and when we drove from NC to Calif. but I don't really count that...

    What pet would you like: Lion... (accually was offered to buy a panther cub yet my house property was too small to keep him)

    Any additional information: all my dreams and hopes are being ripped apart slowly right before my eyes... all at once... worst is, I'm starting to not care anymore...

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: yes, at times... it seems to be the only chance I get to state my thoughts

  10. #150
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    First Name:Sean

    Screen Name (s)iablo0136, (I use Kiva as the actual name though.
    Email:above heh.
    Nicknames?:None in rl really...but plenty for Kiva. Kindergarten Lion, and one other I wont mention :P

    Birth date:March 14th, 1988.
    Gender: Male

    Ethnic Background: So many things. German-Jew, Indian, Irish, French, Italian, etc etc. (American maybe?)
    Eye Color: Hazel, changes colors too sometimes.

    Hair Colorark brown.


    Moles:not that I know of!

    Scars: a few small ones.

    Righty or Lefty?:righty! (all the time!)

    Religion: None atm!

    Political Party: Republican.

    Country?: United States of America!

    State/Province?: Virginia.

    Marital Status?: Single.

    Sexual Preference?:Straight, but teh character is both..some people have a hard time with that :P

    Parents Divorced?:Yes

    Siblings? How many?: 1 sister.

    Children? How many?: none! Im too young for that!

    Best Friend (s):I have a hard time deciding that for obvious reasons, but Eva Janus (Karen) and my friend Brad here in rl.

    Pets (names and what they are): Sydney (Doberman, and lab mix) Squeaky (cat)

    Job?: Nope, not now!

    Schooling?: Im in my last year of highschool.

    Car?: noooooooooooooooopppe!

    Play an Instrument?: nope, except for drumming with my hands which i am pretty good at

    Glasses or Contacts?: Neither!

    Jewelry?: I wear a necklace, nothing else..but I'd like some.

    Tattoo?: Nope! Everyone regrets em...well most people!

    Makeup?: sure! tons! j/k!

    Zodiac Sign: Pisces

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon.


    Animal:I love tons of animals..lions, and most big cats, dogs, and wolves.

    Color: blue, but I like black as well.

    Country: United States of America!

    State/Province: Hmm...idk if I have a favorite..I can pick based on geograhpy..but some of those states are too crazy government wise to call a I'd say the midwestern states, like you see on western movies. I like em all!

    Automobile: I like too many of those too!

    Shoe: they are just shoes!

    Number: 69! j/k! Sorry *nervous laugh* maybe that was inappropiate! Sowwy! Um...I dont have one. I havent learned past 10 yet *sad face* heh.

    Food: Idk..cant think of too much of that! I hate favorites though!

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Hmmm...probably Arby's..though the prices are really matching of a fast food place.

    Musical Instrumentrums, bagpipes, guitars, piano, organs..all those :P

    Drink (not just alcoholic)on't drink alcohol..but I'd say most

    Season: I love stuff about each, but I'd say spring.

    Actor:I like Mel Gibson, George Clooney...and Tom Cruise is a good actor, but not right otherwise.

    Actress:I dont think i have a favorite here...hehe.

    Music Genre:I love a bunch! Rock, a bit of country, classical, 80's, theme music, soundtrack..pretty much all but rap and R&B.

    Singer: Love too many!

    Band: same as above!

    Movie Genre:Action movies, but not pure action..just historic...or about a war, battles..something like so. I like stuff from a bunch of categories..but just things with a good story and that are executed well..hehe.

    Movie: Lion King, War of the Worlds (new one), first Matrix, Braveheart, Saving Private Ryan..etc etc.

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: The ones from the above movies!

    Villain in Movie: Darth Vader/Anakin, all the storm, um..lotsa those too. Srorry Kivvy is boring heh.

    Book Genre: I don't read much sadly..but things like Stephen King..just something that catches my eye.


    Author: none!

    Board Game: Hmm...Kivvy wuvs candyland! j/k :P Dont play em much.

    Game Console: Hehe...yay! One I can answer..sorta. I like a computer best of all..but consoles I'd have to say its tied between XBox, and PS2 which are both coming out with new systems..we'll see who wins the battle to the death then!

    Computer/Console Game:So many! A lot of first person shooters...all the Grand Theft Autos, Battlefield series, etc etc.

    Sport: I like football, but I dont play on a team or watch it.

    Activity (Besides Sports): Paintball and airsoft!

    Website: This one, paintball sites, airsoft sites, etc.

    Subject in School: Um..its school remember? Probably ROTC though.

    Store:Game stores, guns stores, paintball one favorite.

    Gum: lots!

    Candy: lots! I like sour things a lot of the time...or Whitman's chocolates!

    Email or IM:IM

    Phone or in person:which do I prefer? I prefer talking in person..hehe.

    TV or Radio or Internet:Probably the internet...but TV is more entertaining.

    Flavor: salty, but sweet is good as well.

    Cats or Dogs: Dogs!

    Day or Night: Night!

    IM Service:MSN

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs:Nope, and never will!

    Alcohol:same as above!

    Cigarettes/Cigars:another same as above!

    Chew:*sighs* NO! hehe.


    Lie:I have before...everyone has..but I try not to now.

    Stole: When I was little..I CANT do it now.

    Attempted Suicide: nope, thats never the answer.

    Attempted Murder: nope.

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone:Fortunately I havent broken any bones! Im perfectly intact!

    Got in a fight, did you win:Never been in a fight..but I won the ones in my head!

    Been shot: Nope, except for with a paintball gun.

    Want to go to college:Of course!

    Had an imaginary friend:I dont think so...*pats air*

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: I like being a guy, thanks ^^

    Had D?j? Vu: SO MANY TIMES!

    Gone skinny dipping?:Nein.

    Walk around nude?: Maybe during certain my room..hehe. *winks, and nervous smile*

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?:Of course!

    Ever fallen in love?:Not yet.

    If so, at what age?:I'll put random words where I cant apple!

    How many times?:dumptruck!

    Ever been dumped?:Nope.

    How many times?:rambo!

    Ever made out?:nope..not yet *winks*

    Ever had Sex?: nein...sadly lol.

    Looks or Personality?:Personality definately.

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?:I think I am pretty attractive.

    Believe in love at first sight?:No.

    Do you want to get married?:Maybe someday, but it isnt in my mind right now.

    Define marriage and what it means to you: A connection between two people who really love each other, and want to spend the rest of their lives together...and let me say..that this perticular joining of people should be between a man and woman.

    Do you want/have kids?: I probably will someday..but not now..I dont like little kids..I think they scare

    Boys name:I dont have one cause I havent thought about it.

    Girls name:Same as above!

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Um "most stupidest"? Does that sound wrong to anyone else? Anyways, i would say getting into a certain relationship that turned out terrible.

    Greatest thing you?ve done: I don't think I've really done much that is considered great.

    Funniest thing you?ve done:Heh..I guess it depends on the time, and who I was with...but I cant think of anything in perticular..but I love making people laugh!

    Person/Place/Thing you hate:Stupid people..drug addicts and drunkards, umm..people who hate America, people who are very self centered, and liberals..hehe. I think this list is too long to make fit..hehe.

    Person/Place/Thing you love:My friends and family, the USA, people who do things that show honor, and valor, people who go out of their way to help others, soldiers, intelligent people.

    Country you hate besides your own: France (sorry to anyone french) and all the dictatorships...Cuba, etc.

    Country you love besides your own: England, except for certain things, but in reality Im too patriotic about Most countries have some good things to offer.

    Best feeling in the world: I don't know if I have felt something I can call this yet.

    Worst feeling in the world: I dont think I've felt this either, but I could guess. Losing a child, or loved one...a sever injury, making life changing decisions for other people.
    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Im not sure yet.

    Do you believe in Abortion?: Yes, in certain others no.

    Do you believe in Cloning?:Im not sure..i would need to know more about it...but I can say I think it would cause a lot of problems for us.

    Do you believe in Guns?: Of course, its in the Constitution isnt it?

    Do you believe in War?:It isnt pretty, but it is necessary.

    Do you believe in Hunting?:I believe it is alright if you hunt fairly and eat what you kill. Im against trophy hunting and I wouldnt hunt myself.

    Do you believe in Taxes?:Yes, they are necessary for a government to work properly, but there is a limit to how much.

    Do you believe in Texas?: I know whoever wrote this did it cause you just thought "taxes" looked like yes I do!

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?:Nope, its bad for society.

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?:No..unless it is because of a severe accident that deforms someone's face or body.

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?:YES! Everyone knows that!

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: I think so..he is one weird guy.

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?:Bush!

    Do you believe in Heaven?:Im not sure.

    Do you believe in Hell?:I dont know..if there is a heaven there is probably a hell.


  11. #151
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    Hobbies:Video games, drawing, paintball, airsoft, etc.

    Collections:I have a small one of bb guns and weapons..not really though.

    Goals:Be successful in life by making enough money to support myself and a family comfortably. Have a job I love, and be well educated. Keep my friends until I grow old, and be honorable throughout life.

    Dreams: Win the lottery! hehe...among other things Kivvy wont

    Fears:Little kids! lol..j/ not scared, just dont know what to do with em..but I dont like electric shock..i mean, even the slightest...I know you guys will use this against me!

    Weaknesses:I get a little too angry a lot...I am too hard on myself with how I see myself compared to others...I think too

    Most common emotion: Anger, happiness, as in laughing, and boredom.

    Perfect Pizza:Thin crust with pepperoni.

    What?s your favorite Memory:Probably being in Australia, and meeting Karen last summer..but im sure there are more.

    Countries you?ve been to: Australia, and Canada.

    States/Provinces you?ve been to:Virginia (live here) Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and many mooooooooooore *sings*

    What pet would you like: A wolfie! A husky would do though..hehe.

    Any additional information: Um, well..Im sure there is some. I hope people use this info for I mean, maybe you can talk to teh Kivvy sometime..ya know what Im saying *wink wink* Heh. Well, I dont know why I didnt do this earlier, since it is so long now. I guess this is really a chance to decide whether you like a person before you really meet Enjoy all this info! Feel free to question Kiva intensely on MSN for personal information! ^^

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires:I sure do!

  12. #152
    And at last I see KanuTGL's Avatar
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    First Name: Anna

    Screen Name (s): KanuTGL/Axell, KanuTGL
    Nicknames?: None

    Birth date: July 2nd 1990
    Gender: Female

    Ethnic Background: Swedish
    Eye Color: blue

    Hair Color: blonde with dark stripes

    Freckles: no

    Moles: eh?

    Scars: a couple..

    Righty or Lefty?: righty

    Religion: Christian

    Political Party: ?

    Country?: Sweden!

    State/Province?: Sk?ne

    Marital Status?: Single

    Sexual Preference?: eh?

    Parents Divorced?: No

    Siblings? How many?: 2 younger brothers

    Children? How many?: no

    Best Friend (s): That's quite a lot ^^

    Pets (names and what they are): Zig Zag, the cat, and a couple of wild mice in the walls...

    Job?: None

    Schooling?: 9th grade (if that's what ya mean)

    Car?: no, none of my own

    Play an Instrument?: DRUMS!!!

    Glasses or Contacts?: no

    Jewelry?: no, not really

    Tattoo?: no

    Makeup?: some, but not much

    Zodiac Sign: Cancer

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Horse


    Animal: Lions, wolves, horses (wild) and all big cats

    Color: Green and blue

    Country: Hm... Dunno, England I think.

    State/Province: Have none really.

    Automobile: none, not very interested in cars

    Shoe: eh... gym shoes?

    Number: 2

    Food: Tacos and Chicken Tikka Masala

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Burger King

    Musical Instrument: Drums!

    Drink (not just alcoholic): hm... chocolate

    Season: Summer

    Actor: dunno

    Actress: dunno

    Music Genre: Rock!

    Singer: Bruce Dickinson and Billy Joe Armstrong

    Band: Iron Maiden, Green Day, Thin Lizzy, Sex Pistols

    Movie Genre: Adventure, comedy

    Movie: TLK, Star Wars, LotR

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Luke Skywalker, Simba, Pippin xD

    Villain in Movie: Scar

    Book Genre: Adventure

    Book: Martin the Warrior

    Author: Brian Jaques

    Board Game: dunno

    Game Console: PS2

    Computer/Console Game: Kingdom Hearts

    Sport: Horseriding, badminton

    Activity (Besides Sports): Music, drawing, computers (I'm such a nerd xD)

    Website: Lilymud, TLKFAA

    Subject in School: Music

    Store: Halm?ns Music, Disney Store

    Gum: dunno

    Candy: Liquorice

    Email or IM: ?

    Phone or in person: eh?

    TV or Radio or Internet: dunno

    Flavor: dunno

    Cats or Dogs: cats

    Day or Night: night

    IM Service: dunno

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: No

    Alcohol: No

    Cigarettes/Cigars: NO!

    Chew: no

    Cuss/Swear: sometimes

    Lie: too often.. but no big lies

    Stole: no

    Attempted Suicide: the thought has crossed my mind, but I'd never do it.

    Attempted Murder: no

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: broken; no sprained; yes, many times

    Got in a fight, did you win: i think so

    Been shot: no

    Want to go to college: *shrug*

    Had an imaginary friend: yep

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: it has happened :S

    Had D?j? Vu: all the time...

    Gone skinny dipping?: ?

    Walk around nude?: no

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: YES!

    Ever fallen in love?: yep

    If so, at what age?: 10 and 15, + all the years in between

    How many times?: 3

    Ever been dumped?: no

    How many times?: 0

    Ever made out?: ?

    Ever had Sex?: no

    Looks or Personality?: both. But personality goes first, if he's got the looks that's a bonus xD

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: dunno

    Believe in love at first sight?: yeah

    Do you want to get married?: yes, someday...

    Define marriage and what it means to you: eh...

    Do you want/have kids?: someday...

    Boys name: Dunno, haven't thought of it yet

    Girls name: see above

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: loads of stuff, but I can't figure anything out right now...

    Greatest thing you?ve done: see above

    Funniest thing you?ve done: see above above

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: war, stupid people, egoists

    Person/Place/Thing you love: The guy I like (no I won't tell ) and my family and friends

    Country you hate besides your own: dunno

    Country you love besides your own: France, England, Denmark (yeah, really!)

    Best feeling in the world: love

    Worst feeling in the world: feeling that you're not good enough for this or that...

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Sometimes, yes

    Do you believe in Abortion?: Yes, but that also depends on the reason why one wants to do it.

    Do you believe in Cloning?: Yes

    Do you believe in Guns?: Everyone knows they excist, right?

    Do you believe in War?: see above

    Do you believe in Hunting?: It must be done, but not for the "un" of it, but because it's needed, or the food would run out and the animals would die.

    Do you believe in Taxes?: Yeah, they're needed

    Do you believe in Texas?: Yeah, sure.

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Why not?

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: That depends on the reason why one wants to do it.

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Dunno who that is :S

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: I don't really care

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Uhm... Not Bush at least.

    Do you believe in Heaven?: Maybe...

    Do you believe in Hell?: No, not really


    Hobbies: Drawing, talk to my friends, computers, animals

    Collections: TLK stuff :P

    Goals: To get accepted for the one I am, and to live a good life

    Dreams: To go out with ***** xD

    Fears: To lose someone close to me

    Weaknesses: My shyness and temper

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: I'm sorry, I just had to add that =P: Que? o_O

    Most common emotion: sadness or love

    Perfect Pizza: Cheese, tomato... to begin with xD

    What?s your favorite Memory: The 2 mile walk with my (former...) friend Christian

    Countries you?ve been to: Denmark, Norway, Germany, France, England, Canarie Islands, Schweiz

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: ?

    What pet would you like: A dog ^_^

    Any additional information: not at the moment

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Yes

  13. #153
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    First Name: Stephanie

    Screen Name (s): Broken_Lion, Cleto


    Nicknames?: Steph

    Birth date: May 4th 1989

    Gender: Female

    Ethnic Background: Caucasian/English/Irish

    Eye Color: Brown/Hazel

    Hair Color: Brown

    Freckles: In the summer, on my nose and around my eyes. Like a racoon mask

    Moles: I don't think so...

    Scars: On my hands, stomache and right ankle

    Righty or Lefty?: Righty

    Religion: Roman Catholic

    Political Party: Don't care

    Country?: England

    State/Province?: ----

    Marital Status?: Single

    Sexual Preference?: Men

    Parents Divorced?: Nope

    Siblings? How many?: yes

    Children? How many?: no

    Best Friend (s): Yes

    Pets (names and what they are): Casper the lab and Giorgie the German shepherd

    Job?: None

    Schooling?: I'm at college

    Car?: Not old enough to drive

    Play an Instrument?: Used to play guitar

    Glasses or Contacts?: Glasses

    Jewelry?: Two rings, a cross and a bracellet. I want a thumb ring

    Tattoo?: Nope

    Makeup?: Nope

    Zodiac Sign: Tauras

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Snake


    Animal: Lions and Wolves

    Color: Green

    Country: *shrugs*

    State/Province: None

    Automobile: Rolls Royce

    Shoe: High tops

    Number: 7

    Food: Haven't got a fav

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Subway... a subway lol

    Musical Instrument: Guitar, electric.

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Dunno

    Season: Winter, I love snow.

    Actor: James Marsters

    Actress: Don't have one

    Music Genre: Don't have one

    Singer: None

    Band: Good Charlotte

    Movie Genre: Horror

    Movie: TLK, Flightplan, Shrek 2

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Simba, Kovu, Aaragon(sp)

    Villain in Movie: Scar

    Book Genre: Horror

    Book: Blood and Fog

    Author: I like loadsa authors... Stephen King I guess

    Board Game: Trivial pursuit I own at that game

    Game Console: PS2 ((Will soon be PS3 lol))

    Computer/Console Game: Fable

    Sport: Football (English)

    Activity (Besides Sports): Writting, reading and drawing

    Website: TLKFAA and any with pics of James Marsters lol

    Subject in School: English

    Store: *shrugs*

    Gum: Airwaves, cherry

    Candy: Chewits

    Email or IM: IM

    Phone or in person: It depends

    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet

    Flavor: Chocolate

    Cats or Dogs: Dogs

    Day or Night: Night

    IM Service: MSN

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: No

    Alcohol: Yes

    Cigarettes/Cigars: No

    Chew: No

    Cuss/Swear: Yes

    Lie: Yes, don't we all?

    Stole: Yes

    Attempted Suicide: No

    Attempted Murder: No comment

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Not my own

    Got in a fight, did you win: No and no

    Been shot: No

    Want to go to college: I'm at college

    Had an imaginary friend: No I can't even get imaginary friends

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: No comment

    Had D?j? Vu: YES!!

    Gone skinny dipping?: No

    Walk around nude?: No

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Yes

    Ever fallen in love?: Yes, not so long ago

    If so, at what age?: 16

    How many times?: Once

    Ever been dumped?: Yes

    How many times?: Once

    Ever made out?: Yes

    Ever had Sex?: No

    Looks or Personality?: A bit of both

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Ugly

    Believe in love at first sight?: No, love is something that grows in time

    Do you want to get married?: Yes, it would be nice

    Define marriage and what it means to you: It is the connection of two souls.

    Do you want/have kids?: I would like children

    Boys name: Caine

    Girls name: Charisma

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: I dunno

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Dunno

    Funniest thing you?ve done: You will have to ask my friends

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: I hate Sean Paul

    Person/Place/Thing you love: My room lol

    Country you hate besides your own: France ((No offence to any French Leas))

    Country you love besides your own: Canada

    Best feeling in the world: Love

    Worst feeling in the world: Rejection

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Yes

    Do you believe in Abortion?: No

    Do you believe in Cloning?: No

    Do you believe in Guns?: I like them...

    Do you believe in War?: Sometimes

    Do you believe in Hunting?: NO!

    Do you believe in Taxes?: Yes

    Do you believe in Texas?: No, it isn't really there!!!

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: I don't mind, it doesn't effect me.

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: No, everyone is beautiful in their own way.

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: I don't care

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: Don't know, don't care.

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: ???

    Do you believe in Heaven?: Yes

    Do you believe in Hell?: Yes ((It's were I'm probably going))


    Hobbies: Reading, writting, drawing, football, hanging with my friends.

    Collections: Buffy and Angel stuff and TLK stuff

    Goals: None

    Dreams: None

    Fears: Open water

    Weaknesses: I'd rather not share them :vitgrr: You may use them against me lol.

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: No comment

    Most common emotion: Nonchalant

    Perfect Pizza: Tuna and chicken

    What?s your favorite Memory: I... I don't remember lol. Urm... It would have to be when I was a really little kid and my Grandad gave me this bear that was twice my size. It's the only thing I can really remember about him.

    Countries you?ve been to: America (5 times), Germany (2 times), France, Belgium and Andora (sp)

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Florida (4 times) and California (Once)

    What pet would you like: Lion. My mum's friend has a lioness called Queenie, she lives in a big old cage at their house in Zimbabwa.

    Any additional information: No

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: They're ok, it deoends what they're about.

  14. #154
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    First Name: Tyran

    Screen Name (s): Prince_Kivoru
    Nicknames?: Ty; Simba;

    Birth date: January 25th 1989
    Gender: Male

    Ethnic Background: Irish, Native American
    Eye Color: chestnut brown

    Hair Color: black dread locks

    Freckles: no

    Moles: one on my cheek

    Scars: a few on my left arm

    Righty or Lefty?: righty

    Religion: Christian

    Political Party: ?

    Country?: USA

  15. #155
    Super Moderator Sharifu's Avatar
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    I'm just posting here again because I'm bored and just killing some time while at school... Some things have changed a little I guess.

    First Name: Audra

    Screen Name (s): Sharifu, Young Lioness, Yoshi Girl (or YoshiGirl85), Dino Girl (or dinosaurgirl85) and birdygirl85.
    Nicknames?: Auddy... Now that I've been on Lea tons of members have been calling me all these nicknames... Shar, Fu, Fu'ey, Audrafu, etc... I can't think of anymore right now.

    Birth date: April 27, 1985
    Gender: Female

    Ethnic Background: Arabic (25%), the rest I don't know, some English and Scottish, and some others that my parents don't even really know. They don't know much about their family tree.

    Eye Color: Brown

    Hair Color: Brown

    Freckles: Some on my face

    Moles: No

    Scars: One on my forehead that's kind of hard to see... And some others I'm sure.

    Righty or Lefty?: Righty

    Religion: Christian (Although I don't really do anything like go to Church. I used to go on Christmas Eve and sometimes on Easter)

    Political Party: I don't really get invovled in that. I should though I know.

    Country?: United States

    State/Province?: California

    Marital Status?: Not married... But I'm in a relationship.

    Sexual Preference?: Straight

    Parents Divorced?: Yep

    Siblings? How many?: One younger sister who is three years younger then me.

    Children? How many?: Nope

    Best Friend (s): Oh I have lots of best friends... But really I don't like to favor my friends.

    Pets (names and what they are): A female Moluccan Cockatoo named Honey.

    Job?: I work at Target.

    Schooling?: DeAnza College

    Car?: A 1994 Couger

    Play an Instrument?: No

    Glasses or Contacts?: No

    Jewelry?: Not tons, but I always wear my golden heart necklace Petteri gave me for my birthday. I also wear my silver bangle bracelets almost all the time, the only time I usually don't is if I am wearing long sleeves. I almost always wear earrings and a ring. (I usually wear silver a lot)

    Tattoo?: No

    Makeup?: No

    Zodiac Sign: Taurus

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Ox


    Animal: Dinosaurs

    Color: Blue

    Country: I don't know, I've never been out of the U.S. But hopefully that will change by next summer.

    State/Province: California

    Automobile: Don't really have one.

    Shoe: I don't have a favorite show either... So many women have like tons of shoes... I'm not like that at all.

    Number: 2, or 7? I don't know

    Food: Hmm, ice cream

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Don't have a favorite

    Musical Instrument: I guess I don't have one

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Orange juice I guess

    Season: They are all good for certain reasons

    Actor: Don't have one

    Actress: Don't have one

    Music Genre: Don't really have a favorite... I pretty much like everything but rap and country.

    Singer: Don't have a favorite

    Band: Don't have a favorite

    Movie Genre: Uh... I guess adventure, drama, romantic, comedy... Oh I don't know. XD I like animated movies a lot. I like mostly animated movies about nature and animals.

    Movie: The Lion King and Jurassic Park.

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: I don't know

    Villain in Movie: I don't know. Lots are cool.

    Book Genre: I don't read books too much.

    Book: Read above

    Author: Read above

    Board Game: Uh... I guess Disney Scene It.

    Game Console: Nintendo GameCube

    Computer/Console Game: I like lots

    Sport: Swimming I guess

    Activity (Besides Sports): Drawing

    Website: Haha, nah I don't know, this message board I do like a lot though and I have made a lot of great friends here.

    Subject in School: Animation

    Store: Uh... Best Buy and Toys R Us I guess.

    Gum: I don't know. I don't even chew gum that much.

    Candy: Hmm, I think Kit Kats. Gimme a break.

    Email or IM: IM

    Phone or in person: In person

    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet! TV gets boring. (At least I think so)

    Flavor: I don't know.

    Cats or Dogs: Both

    Day or Night: Night

    IM Service: I guess Yahoo
    Thank you to the talented KanuTGL for my avatar!
    My Lion King Fan-Art

  16. #156
    Super Moderator Sharifu's Avatar
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    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: Nope

    Alcohol: Just a little. I never seem to like the taste of alcohol.

    Cigarettes/Cigars: No way. That stuff is bad for you! I'm glad STM doesn't smoke anymore.

    Chew: ?

    Cuss/Swear: Not really... I say stuff that isn't really that bad like damn or crap... And I rarely say that. I really don't understand how some people swear so much.

    Lie: Um, hasn't everyone?

    Stole: I stole candy before when I was little... That was so stupid for me to do that.

    Attempted Suicide: Never

    Attempted Murder: Never

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Yeah

    Got in a fight, did you win: I never got in a fight.

    Been shot: No

    Want to go to college: I'm in college

    Had an imaginary friend: No

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: No

    Had Deja vu: Sure I think

    Gone skinny dipping?: No

    Walk around nude?: In my house if no one is home... Like if I go from my room to the bathroom.

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Yes

    Ever fallen in love?: Yes

    If so, at what age?: 19

    How many times?: Once

    Ever been dumped?: No

    How many times?:

    Ever made out?: Yeah

    Ever had Sex?: Um well... Yeah

    Looks or Personality?: Personality is the most important

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Attractive... Not as attractive as a lot of girls, but I don't think I'm ugly. I used to think I was ugly though when I was 12 and around that age.

    Believe in love at first sight?: No

    Do you want to get married?: Maybe

    Define marriage and what it means to you: Two people committing themselves to each other, and showing how much they love each other.

    Do you want/have kids?: I don't know...

    Boys name: Didn't really think about it

    Girls name: Read above

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you've done: Um... Maybe putting surran wrap on a dish going in the oven... What the hell was I thinking?

    Greatest thing you've done: Hmm... Um I'm not sure.

    Funniest thing you've done: I don't know. People seem to think it's pretty funny when I get hyper. I laugh so much.

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: I don't know, cocky people I guess.

    Person/Place/Thing you love: Petteri, my family, pets and friends.

    Country you hate besides your own: I don't know

    Country you love besides your own: I don't know (Never been out of the U.S. remember?)

    Best feeling in the world: Love... Kissing the one you love, etc.

    Worst feeling in the world: Pressure of not being able to or having the time to get something important done (like school projects), losing someone you love, and depression.

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: I'm not sure. I guess so.

    Do you believe in Abortion?: It depends... I don't think it's right, but if the girl was raped I'm not sure what's right for that decision.

    Do you believe in Cloning?: I guess. I mean it's been done so it's not like it doesn't exist.

    Do you believe in Guns?: What? Yeah, I mean there is such things as guns.

    Do you believe in War?: No...

    Do you believe in Hunting?: If you're going to eat the animal.

    Do you believe in Taxes?: Sure... Oregon has no sales tax though, I love that.

    Do you believe in Texas?: Does it exisit?! Just kidding... Sure I do. I've been in a Texas airport before.

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yup

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Not really... Unless you need it if you were in a car accident or something like that.

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: I don't really know...

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: Don't know

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: I have no opinion on politics.

    Do you believe in Heaven?: Hmm, I don't know but I think there probably is a heaven.

    Do you believe in Hell?: Sure I guess so.


    Hobbies: Drawing

    Collections: Things from my favorite movies, TV shows and video games.

    Goals: To become a character animator for Disney. (I would love for 2-D feature films to come back. What I really want to do is be a 2-D character animator)

    Dreams: I guess the same as my goals. I also want the one I love to live closer to me. (Petteri I know you can't help that right now, I'm not blaming anyone)

    Fears: Losing the ones I love.

    Weaknesses: I guess seeing loved ones and innocent people and animals being hurt.

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: Sure

    Most common emotion: Happiness and sadness, but not at the same time.

    Perfect Pizza: I'm not picky, just as long as it doesn't have anchovies... I never thought I'd really like pineapple on pizza but Petteri got some once and I tried it, it's pretty good.

    What's your favorite Memory: Hmm... Lots I would say... Probably first kissing Petteri.

    Countries you've been to: U.S. only. Bleh.

    States/Provinces you've been to: California, Michigan, Texas (just at an airport) Florida, Oregon... I know I've been to others. When I was 10 years old, my family and I drove from Michigan to Flordia to go to Disneyworld, so we pasted a lot of states that way.

    What pet would you like: A velociraptor if it was loyal to me and didn't eat me. (Like I said before) Haha... But really I wouldn't mind have a kitty again, as long as it likes to cuddle. (Like my last kitty did...)

    Any additional information: Having your laptop broken sucks.

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Uh, sure when I'm bored.
    Thank you to the talented KanuTGL for my avatar!
    My Lion King Fan-Art

  17. #157
    Senior Member Sombolia's Avatar
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    Filling the first part out again because of the added questions. And I was bored lalala.

    First Name: Haylee. Ugh.
    Screen Name(s): Sombolia and very occasionally Sirius in TLK-land, Sirius other places, Captain Immy and St. Jimmy every once in a while..
    Email: captain.immy[at]
    Nicknames?: Other than screenames, none really. I've never had a nickname IRL that stuck..
    Birth date: May 14 (I share a birthmonth with Mike Dirnt! *fangirls*)
    Gender: Female if we're going with the technicalities.. I haven't acted it in a while. If I were a guy I'd still be a pathetic fanboy.
    Ethnic Background: Caucasian
    Eye Color: Blue
    Hair Color: Brown
    Freckles: Yes
    Moles: A couple
    Scars: A couple. I'm one of those jacked up people who think's they're kinda cool.
    Righty or Lefty?: Righty
    Religion: Dunno
    Political Party: I'm one of those people who never will agree with anything. I contradict everyone. I will never agree with you.
    Country?: USA
    State/Province?: California [insert theme song to The OC here]
    Marital Status?: Single
    Sexual Preference?: Lalala I don't know. I can't call myself straight but I wouldn't get in a serious relationship with a girl.. I've thought about it alot and if I were a guy, I'd probably be gay. It's just.. yeah.
    Parents Divorced?: Well if they were never married..
    Siblings? How many?: None
    Children? How many?: How about.. no.
    Best Friend(s): Yes, I have some.
    Pets (names and what they are): Slippers the cat, Rocky the hamster, Brownie and Sirius the Nintendogs.
    Job?: Making an idiot out of myself.
    Schooling?: Yeah, I do that.
    Car?: No.. I'm not legally old enough to learn how to drive.
    Play an Instrument?: Air guitar. *pause* Um.. I'm taking bass lessons soon. Therefore, me > life.
    Glasses or Contacts?: Yerse. Glasses. Suck > glasses.
    Jewelry?: Peircings. In my ears. In other places soon no doubt. I always thought tongue rings were nifty.. Um. I have a watch?
    Tattoo?: No, but the idea is intriuging.. hmm...
    Makeup?: Agh. No.
    Zodiac Sign: Taurus. OMGISHAREAZODIACWITHMIKEDIRNT *fangirls some more*
    Chinese Zodiac Sign: 'Cock' is a funny word..

    Animal: Uh, humans? I guess.. wolves or something.
    Colour: Red, Black, teal
    Country: I guess this slab of dirt could pass as one. Maybe England too oh yes.
    State/Province: California. Because L.A. = love and SanFran = love. I <3 the bay area always and forever.
    Automobile: Um.. I don't know. I don't care. If it works... it's good.
    Shoe: Sneakers of any shape, size, or form.
    Number: 14, 12, 86 if only because I adore that song. ;_; Poor Billie Joe, all rejected from Gilman Street..
    Food: Italian
    Fast Food Place and Food there: Um. I dunno.
    Musical Instrument: Bass. Maybe just guitars in general.. drums are nifty too..
    Drink (not just alcoholic): Pepsi
    Season: Winter, I guess. Pretty much anything but Spring. SPRING = HATE.
    Actor: v
    Actress: "I hate celebrities." `Billie Joe
    Music Genre: Rock 'n' roll, baby. Doesn't matter what it is.. punk, classic, modern, eighties.
    Bands/Singers: Green Day, Oingo Boingo, Van Halen, Bon Jovi, KISS, The Ramones, uh.. Pinhead Gunpowder I guess, Franz Fernidad or whatever the hell is good too.
    Movie Genre: Dunno..
    Movie: Bullet in a Bible! <3 And American Idiot even though they haven't started making it yet. But rock operas = love.
    Hero in Movie: How about just hero in general? Jesus of Suburbia.
    Heroine in Movie: Whatsername
    Villain in Movie: St. Jimmy <33 If he could be considered that. Whatever.
    TV Show: The Drew Carey Show.. haven't seen it in a while though.
    Cartoon: I dunno.. Dr. Tran!?
    TV Characters: Oswald (TDCS). <3 Hmm.. Lewis too. And um.. dunno.
    Anime: I.. never really watched anime. o_o *blink* From the one's I've watched.. I wasn't obbsessed with Read or Die or anything but it was pretty cool.
    Anime Character: None.
    Book: Harry Potter, I gyess.
    Author: J.K. Rowling. Fanfiction wise.. Jaida and Rave, oh-so-lovely authors of The Shoebox Project.. and Lynn Cheshire and Druscilla Ryan. GDSlash oh yes.
    Board Game: Monopoly..? I guess. I don't know.
    Game Console: Gamecube
    Computer/Console Game: *shrug*
    Sport: Baseball
    Activity (Besides Sports): Mooooooooosic. Spazzing. Interneting.
    Subject in School: Language Arts, CELT
    Store: I dunno. Hot Topic.. makes me sound like a teeniebopper who acts goth and wants to get in Billie Joe's pants, but.. they have some cool stuff. ;

  18. #158
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    First Name:Tyran

    Screen Name (s):Prince_Kivoru
    Nicknames?: Ty; Simba ^_^

    Birth date: January 25th 1989
    Gender: Male

    Ethnic Background: Irish, native American
    Eye Color: cheastnut brown

    Hair Color: Black


    Moles: one on the left side of my face

    Scars:a few on my left arm

    Righty or Lefty?:Righty


    Political Party:?

    Country?: USA

    State/Province?: Michigan

    Marital Status?: single

    Sexual Preference?: Girls are beautiful *toses a rose*

    Parents Divorced?: nope they're happily married

    Siblings? How many?: 1 brother 1 twin sister

    Children? How many?: none

    Best Friend (s): too many!!

    Pets (names and what they are): Maverick (Rabbit)

    Job?: Best Buy

    Schooling?: yup

    Car?: not yet

    Play an Instrument?: learning Guitar

    Glasses or Contacts?: Glasses


    Tattoo?: not yet...

    Makeup?: nah!

    Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon


    Animal: Lions and Wolves

    Color: Red

    Country: Japan

    State/Province: Tokyo

    Automobile: BMW

    Shoe: K-Swiss; Jordons

    Number: ?

    Food: Nachos; pizza; Tacos; Burgers

    Fast Food Place and Food there:

    Musical Instrument: electric Guitar

    Drink (not just alcoholic):

    Season: Spring

    Actor: Jim Carrey

    Actress: (as long as they're hot I like em)

    Music Genre:Ragee; Rap; Hip-hop

    Singer: Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley

    Band: Gorillaz

    Movie Genre: Comedy


    Hero/Heroine in Movie:

    Villain in Movie:

    Book Genre: anything that I'm interested in reading at that moment

    Book: A series of Unfourtunate Events

    Author: Lemony Snicket

    Board Game: Clue; Guess who; Uno

    Game Console: Game cube; PS2

    Computer/Console Game:

    Sport: Soccer; Baseball

    Activity (Besides Sports): Martial Arts


    Subject in School:your kidding right?


    Gum:Orbit (for my breath) Bubble Tape (for fun)

    Candy: Caramel squares

    Email or IM: IM

    Phone or in person: both is good

    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet

    Flavor: Strawberry

    Cats or Dogs: Dogs

    Day or Night: Day

    IM Service: MSN

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: No

    Alcohol: No

    Cigarettes/Cigars: No



    Lie:Yes (when needed, very rarley)

    Stole:No Comment

    Attempted Suicide:Nah I love my life!

    Attempted Murder:nope (I'm not going to hell! o.o)

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: broke a leg

    Got in a fight, did you win: it got stopped at the last moment I almost won!

    Been shot:No

    Want to go to college:Yea

    Had an imaginary friend:Never

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: In certian situations

    Had D?j? Vu: Yeah

    Gone skinny dipping?:Yes

    Walk around nude?:yes (I'm sexy in the nude XD)

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Of course, it makes the world go 'round

    Ever fallen in love?: not really

    If so, at what age?:

    How many times?:

    Ever been dumped?: nope

    How many times?:

    Ever made out?: no

    Ever had Sex?: nope

    Looks or Personality?: both

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Attractive (check out my TLKFAA artist profile and see for yourself)

    Believe in love at first sight?: i guess

    Do you want to get married?: Possibly

    Define marriage and what it means to you: Marrige is a promise to be with someone forever, till the end of time.

    Do you want/have kids?: I don't want kids

    Boys name:

    Girls name:

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: ran into a parked car on my bike XD

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Don't know

    Funniest thing you?ve done:

    Person/Place/Thing you hate:I hate no one, I hate School

    Person/Place/Thing you love: I love you all *huggles*

    Country you hate besides your own: any 3rd world country

    Country you love besides your own: England

    Best feeling in the world: Christmas time seeing all my family and friends

    Worst feeling in the world: being hated, or hurt
    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Yes

    Do you believe in Abortion?: no

    Do you believe in Cloning?: (you shouldn't play god...)

    Do you believe in Guns?: Yeah (I believe they kill)

    Do you believe in War?: It's meaningless

    Do you believe in Hunting?: Yeah

    Do you believe in Taxes?:*hiss*

    Do you believe in Texas?:Of course I've been there

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: whatever floats your boat...

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: eww

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: I don't care that was years ago!!!

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: no comment

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Kerry

    Do you believe in Heaven?:Yes (when I look into the eyes of a beautiful woman.)

    Do you believe in Hell?: yeah (when I look into the eyes of my father! o.o)


    Hobbies: Drawing; Listening to music;

    Collections:Samari Swords

    Goals: To be successful in what ever I do in the future

    Dreams:to one day fall in love

    Fears:everyone turns their back on me

    Weaknesses: shyness...

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: You bet!

    Most common emotion: hyper!! XD

    Perfect Pizza:

    What?s your favorite Memory: my adventures with my best friends

    Countries you?ve been to: England; Kenya; Germany;

    States/Provinces you?ve been to:London; Nairobi

    What pet would you like: American Indian Dog, Lion!

    Any additional information: Im wearing blue underware!!!! XD

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Yes this was fun!!

  19. #159
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    Since i'm bored I'll repeat this with the new information.


    First Name: David.

    Screen Name (s): Klowd
    Nicknames?:klood, klowd, klowdned
    Birth date: 3/6/1988
    Gender: beetcha..I mean male!.

    Ethnic Background: uhmm german..
    Eye Color: very dark brown mixed wih green

    Hair Color: very dark brown,almost black

    Freckles: some of them I guess.

    Moles: eh?

    Scars:yush...the tatoo ;D

    Righty or Lefty?:Righty

    Religion: Atheist.

    Political Party:apolitical

    Country?: Spain

    State/Province?: Catlunya, Barcelona.

    Marital Status?:alone.

    Sexual Preference?:uhmm....

    Parents Divorced?:eh nop

    Siblings? How many?:2

    Children? How many?: 0

    Best Friend (s):uhm...too many I think.

    Pets (names and what they are):a dog(Draken).

    Job?:ehh student during the summer I worked with my dad -.-

    Schooling?:yes -.-.

    Car?:not yet :'(

    Play an Instrument?: Electric Guitar.

    Glasses or Contacts?:Contacts.

    Jewelry?: just a special bracelet.

    Tattoo?:YEESSSSS finally woot!


    Zodiac Sign:Geminis

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon.


    Animal: dogs and cats.

    Color: Black

    Country: UK


    Automobile: Ferraris.


    Number: 666,69, etc etc ;P

    Food: Pizza, lasagna

    Fast Food Place and Food there: KFC and chicken, Viena and special hamburgers.

    Musical Instrument:Guitar, bad pipes,etc...

    Drink (not just alcoholic):Coca Cola, I wish I could try Dr Pepper :'( , and Vodka, Gyn.

    Season: Summer and Winter, I hate Spring and Aturm

    Actor:Robert de Niro.

    Actress:Nicole Kidman.

    Music Genre: Metal

    Singer: Bruce Dickinson, Rob Halford, Jorn Lande....too many to list

    Band:Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, children of Bodom...too many to list too.

    Movie Genre: Everything ecept romances

    Movie: uhmm Braveheart, Memento, Spirited Away, etc..

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Chihiro. ^^

    Villain in Movie: Jocker.

    Book Genre: Fantastic, Thriller (sp? )

    Book: DaVinci code...that's what I'm reading at the moment.
    Author: same here

    Board Game: Trivial

    Game Console: Sony and Microsoft consoles.

    Computer/Console Game: Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid.


    Activity (Besides Sports):Lot of stuff...being on the computer, go out, annoy ppl, etc.

    Website:lots of.

    Subject in School:uhmm....English

    Store: Record store..

    Gum: I don't like them.

    Candy:some here.

    Email or IM:IM

    Phone or in person: In person.

    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet, the other least here.

    Flavor: ehh original flavors.

    Cats or Dogs:doggies.

    Day or Night:Night.

    IM Service: MSN Messenger.

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-



    Cigarettes/Cigars:some time ago too.

    Chew:ehh I guess.

    Cuss/Swear: I don't remember.

    Lie:yes, who hasn't?

    Stole:yush I guess.
    Attempted Suicide:yes,but I don't remeber why Oo

    Attempted Murder:nop.

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: yes foot and a finger

    Got in a fight, did you win:yes,yes.

    Been shot: just by a paintball player.

    Want to go to college: ehh why not.

    Had an imaginary friend: ehh no....right sir candle?

    Wanted to be the opposite sex:nop

    Had D?j? Vu:yes too often.

    Gone skinny dipping?:ehh Oo?

    Walk around nude?:no, at least I don't remember.

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: It is.

    Ever fallen in love?:Yes.

    If so, at what age?:14

    How many times?:just 3 or 4

    Ever been dumped?:not really

    How many times? I guess 0

    Ever made out?:uhmm yes

    Ever had Sex?: heh....

    Looks or Personality?: personality.

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: I dunno =/

    Believe in love at first sight?:nop.

    Do you want to get married?:nop, just live together with someone iI love.

    Define marriage and what it means to you:A nonsense.

    Do you want/have kids?:Nope.

    Boys name:--

    Girls name:--

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: I do stupid things like everyday.

    Greatest thing you?ve done:Uhmm...not too many great things ....

    Funniest thing you?ve done: Lots of .

    Person/Place/Thing you hate:nobody/nowhere/nothing

    Person/Place/Thing you love:Some persons/London/mah computer.

    Country you hate besides your own:My own.
    Country you love besides your own:UK, Australia, US, Japan,Germany...I wish I could go to all of them =(

    Best feeling in the world:When someone you love, loves you too.

    Worst feeling in the world: When that does not happen.

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?:Nop

    Do you believe in Abortion?Yes.:

    Do you believe in Cloning?:IF its neccesary.

    Do you believe in Guns?:eh if they are neccesary

    Do you believe in War?:Not really,

    Do you believe in Hunting?:just to survive.

    Do you believe in Taxes?:ehh I don't know.

    Do you believe in Texas?:well I don't know, but I don't like the way they have banned the cheerliders!

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?:yes, why not?

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?:Yes

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?:I don't know

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?:*shrugs*

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?:Snoopy.

    Do you believe in Heaven?:No
    Do you believe in Hell?:No


    Hobbies:Lots of, play instruments,computers, Modding, go out with friends,etc...

    Collections:Tshirts, posters, etc,,

    Goals:Lots of.

    Dreams:Go to USa, Australia and Japan, Live in London.

    Fears:Spiders, heighs.

    Weaknesses:Lots of.

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: Of course.

    Most common emotion: indifference.

    Perfect Pizza: bbq

    What?s your favorite Memory:uhmm dunno

    Countries you?ve been to:Spain, France, Italy,England, Andorra, Portugal, Germany.

    States/Provinces you?ve been to:uff too many to list.

    What pet would you like:a tiger.

    Any additional information:lolipops are cool.

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: *shrugs* nothing better to do atm.(same again)

  20. #160
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    Lets see what i can come up with this time


    First Name: Daniel

    Screen Name (s): Erm..... Daniel
    Email: i< (not really)
    Nicknames?: Daniel 1.5, Sh*tface, etc....

    Birth date: Hasnt changed
    Gender: Nor has that

    Ethnic Background: White
    Eye Color: Hazel

    Hair Color: I hate my hair

    Freckles: No, thank god

    Moles: One

    Scars: No. caused a few on other people though

    Righty or Lefty?: I swing both ways

    Religion: I dont get involved

    Political Party: BNP, cos i prank call them all the time and they think they are democratic, which is comical.

    Country?: I wouldnt call "England" a country

    State/Province?: HALLO! wie heisst du? ich heisse Daniel etc....

    Marital Status?: Could say taken

    Sexual Preference?: The female gender

    Parents Divorced?: Nope, cos you have to be married to get a divorce.

    Siblings? How many?: 4

    Children? How many?: God forbid the day i have children

    Best Friend (s): SO many i cant count </sarcasm>

    Pets (names and what they are): Parrot, and 'crawling hamster type thing'

    Job?: Dont make me laugh

    Schooling?: I'd rather not

    Car?: I want one

    Play an Instrument?: Depends on what type of instrument you mean

    Glasses or Contacts?: Glasses

    Jewelry?: One ring

    Tattoo?: Nope

    Makeup?: Well i did have "TWAT" written on my forehead in black marker once.....

    Zodiac Sign: Gemini I'M TWO PEOPLE! *dances with self* <--- see?

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Snake


    Animal: Siberian Tiger

    Color: The yellowish colour of the yellow felt tip in my pencil case, and the purple and blue produced by fireworks pwns too

    Country: Germany, cos you can be offensive to the fat people and they dont care

    State/Province: The midlands, cos Alton Towers pwns

    Automobile: Still the Mazda RX8

    Shoe: Mine

    Number: 13, it's so misunderstood

    Food: Pizza

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Subway, and a footlong toasted chicken italian with lettuce, cucumber and peppers

    Musical Instrument: Flute, cos it's so calming and easy to hit people at a distance with

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Pepsi

    Season: Warm winters with LOTS OF SNOW

    Actor: Bruce Willis, Tom Cruise, Kiefer Sut5herland

    Actress: Jessica Alba, Halle Berry, and Nash (in my schools house play)

    Music Genre: Rock

    Singer: Only groups

    Band: Linkin Park, Evanescence, Green Day, System of a Down

    Movie Genre: Action, Horror and Disaster (of course)

    Movie: War of the Worlds Remake, Assault on Precinct 13, The Island

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: ME!!!!

    Villain in Movie: erm, Me?

    Book Genre: Thriller

    Book: Digital Fortress

    Author: Maybe H.G. Wells

    Board Game: Game of Life, lol

    Game Console: mah computer

    Computer/Console Game: Half Life 2, The Movies, Act of War

    Sport: Kicking the crappers out of annoying fat people that look like hamsters

    Activity (Besides Sports): PUNCHING the crappers out of annoying fat people that look like hamsters

    Website: too many

    Subject in School: ICT

    Store: Walmart

    Gum: Dont chew the crap

    Candy: Galaxy

    Email or IM: IM

    Phone or in person: In person, cos phone sex is the dog bollocks.

    TV or Radio or Internet: All of 'em

    Flavor: in what context? Ice Cream? Crisps? Condoms? What?

    Cats or Dogs: Mice

    Day or Night: Evening

    IM Service: Dunno

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: Nope

    Alcohol: A couple of times

    Cigarettes/Cigars: Once

    Chew: ?

    Cuss/Swear: of course, you f**king s**tfaced twit

    Lie: No <---- lie

    Stole: Nope, i just steal the money off my mum to buy what i want.

    Attempted Suicide: Nope, tis attempted murder on yourself and you could go to prison

    Attempted Murder: Dont see the need

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: More than once

    Got in a fight, did you win: I just smack 'em and leggit

    Been shot: With a BB gun, yeah

    Want to go to college: Maybe

    Had an imaginary friend: Yes, he's over there *points*

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: Nope, you are who you are, except if your Paris Hilton

    Had D?j? Vu: This has happened before.......

    Gone skinny dipping?: Nope

    Walk around nude?: Only from the shower to the kitchen, got some food, and back to my bedroom

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Yep

    Ever fallen in love?: Yep

    If so, at what age?: 16

    How many times?: 1

    Ever been dumped?: Yes

    How many times?: 1

    Ever made out?: Nope

    Ever had Sex?: Nope

    Looks or Personality?: Both

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Ugly (sorry Cleto )

    Believe in love at first sight?: What if' you've never met them IRL

    Do you want to get married?: Yes

    Do you want children?: It would be nice, but me as a father would mentally harm the kids for life. Imagine having your dad dropping you off at school wearing nothing but a towel.

    Boys name: Thing

    Girls name: Thing

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Eaten an apple when i had a loose tooth. And that crunch wasnt the apple...

    Greatest thing you?ve done: The invention of the time travelling toilet

    Funniest thing you?ve done: Cough up a furball in the middle of a talent show. I came second for 'an act of inhumane proportions' my response: "i swallowed my cat"

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Hate? erm..... Nash

    Person/Place/Thing you love: Linda

    Country you hate besides your own: Antartica, cos it does bugger all, except sit there and met and blames it on Global Warming.

    Country you love besides your own: Scotland, cos they get snow

    Best feeling in the world: Falling........................................ in love.

    Worst feeling in the world: Falling........................................... off a building.

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Not really

    Do you believe in Abortion?: In the right circumstances, yes

    Do you believe in Cloning?: No

    Do you believe in Guns?: In games, yes

    Do you believe in War?: Again, in games, yes

    Do you believe in Hunting?: Nope, toffery full pile of wank

    Do you believe in Taxes?: No, they take my money

    Do you believe in Texas?: I try not to

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Doesnt bother me

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: See my response on abortion

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Don't Know

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: Don't CARE

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Boris Johnson

    Do you believe in Heaven?: yes

    Do you believe in Hell?: Roastie Toastie Princess......


    Hobbies: Burning Things

    Collections: Skulls, and an alien head

    Goals: To die in a unique way, preferabely falling off a tall building into a pit of boiling acid

    Dreams: Seeing Linda

    Fears: Teeth

    Weaknesses: Teeth

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: I'm sorry, I just had to add that =P ???

    Most common emotion: Stress

    Perfect Pizza: Margarita

    What?s your favorite Memory: Dunno

    Countries you?ve been to: turkey, and other places, including Basildon

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: I'm tired

    What pet would you like: TIGER!

    Any additional information: I'm tired, and this morning, i swear i fell asleep on my computer keyboard

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: *snore*

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