I usually don't have problems with people screaming, but probably the worst was both times I saw Cute Is What We Aim For open for Fall Out Boy... I didn't like the band to begin with and people were screeching at the top of the lungs and aggressively pushing and shoving and like, elbowing people out of the way to get closer to the stage. It was really rude...

And one time at a Fall Out Boy show someone in the "moshpit" (I hestitate to call anything that happens at a FOB show "moshing", but we were really close to the front and people were dancing, jumping etc) stepped on my foot. In high heels. Who the heck wears high heels on the floor??

Also at the Slayer show I went to, it was an outdoor amphitheater and there was a lawn area behind the highest seats, and some guys lit the grass on fire and started moshing around it... luckily nobody or any property was damaged so it was pretty funny while it was going on heheh. Security came and put it out, I'm surprised those guys didn't get kicked out of the show, because as soon as security left they started it up again...