You see those television specials about predators hiding out on the web, and you realize that that could NEVER happen here. We are simply to familiar with and trusting off each other. We know there is nobody in out community capable of something like that. You know, our official description might be "An unofficial Lion King forum", but we have grown to be much more than that. Even if, Heaven forbid, TLK vanished off the face of the earth, we would all still be here. Our bond has grown beyond a film. Most of us have known each other longer then we've known people offline, and probably know each other better. Heck, a good portion of the community DO know each other outside the forum thanks to it. We are a ever changing, but ever remaining, group of friends, that NOTHING can break up.

We are not just some internet forum. We are a group of true blue freinds that even now spam beyond the online realm. As long as there is a internet to access the group, I will be here, even when I am old and grey-furred.

Oh, wait... I forgot, I am always grey-furred! =/