How's it affected my actions? Well, I probably wouldn't be into animal conservation and art as much, I don't believe, though I could be wrong. Certainly not animation.

That's not really my actions though. In some respects it's affected the fact that I try to be more open with people, because I know a lot of my life is kinda based around TLK especially how I met Pat and so I get a little shy about it when people ask, so I just try to be honest with them and say I met him online and I just say it as if it's not such a dramatic thing, then they just tend to react to it fairly normally.

In other ways, TLK has made me hide things. Because I draw mainly TLK things, I hide my drawings because I'm afraid of what people will think. But I guess I shouldn't. I do draw in class sometimes and my friends say my drawings are great, but I usually try not to draw TLK style in class, hehe.

That's all I can think of at the moment. Oh and I find I'm more accepting of other peoples crazy obsessions because I have one too