Quote Originally Posted by Kasei View Post
I am currently motivating myself by watching/listening to motivational things. Sam's speech in The Two Towers is one of my favorites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlyYBtASteQ
One of my favorites as well, always a good classic ^^ As for motivational stuff, you should watch Nick Vujicic's conferences on youtube. He's one of the best motivational speakers I know, it's really worth a watch I went to see him one time he came here, actually, it was really, really good.

As for me, well, I just finished watching all 52 episodes of Kimba the White Lion, and it was awesome! I love it almost as much as I love TLK, and now I'm more convinced that TLK was not a rip-off of Kimba. I have things to say about the controversy, but I'll leave that for when the topic arises somewhere :P

Now I'll get on to watch the sequel series, Leo the Lion (Onward, Leo!), as well as the movies