The aftermath of people who really had Covid, will have issues for months, even for those who didn't have it extreme.
The damage it does to your lungs is insane aparantly :/

He's on appointments for his heart anyways, since his heart attack 10 years ago, so if anything is wrong they'll see it anyways.

Yeah, he was on a ventilator, but not in a coma. But he did need one to pump extra oxygen into his lungs, after that, he had like a tube that goes into his nose for just small extra additions (that's the best way I can explain in English, lol).
Once oxygen levels were normal, he was allowed to leave the hospital.

He told the doctor when he wanted to do a test "DON'T TOUCH ME!!" My dad is scared of a lot of things (I'm sure that's where my panic comes from).
Eventually he needed 4 tests, lol, and then he was like: yeah, it was nothing, pfff