IT´s so sad see how the quarentine changed our lives ... As i still live with my parents, probabily i didn´t suffer "being alone" but by what i can see at least here in Brazil is that people are getting tired of this quarentine. my christmas for example, lot´s of parents came to here celebrate with us, all wearing maks, but i dont know if this is enough... some of them live alone at their homes, and their need to be outside, hugging people, is quite noticeable....

I confess that Im also tired of so much rules (like : always use mask when leaving home or you can´t sit at side of someone in the public transport) because you do this for a few days, wekks, even some months, ok, but you do that for almost a year... also people are getting in panic with that desease: my parents are wearing masks even inside home, my mom keeps cleaning the doorknobs with alchool even when no one touched it!

How I would love to have our normal lives back....